Maybe it's evil? It didn't tell them anything helpful, just stuff that would depress the crap out of them. And that'd explain what happened to the Slayer powers are out of whack theory, which just vanished. Maybe it wasn't real to start with.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
See, my thing with the thoery that, since there are lots of Slayers now, even if we don't get more for a while, it's all good is a thing we learned in Sociology that made me write "One girl in all the world" in the margin of my notes. All that build up is to say the thing in the next paragraph.
If there are other people who can help, any individual who could help is less likely to. That is, especially after the initial "killing vampires is so nifty", I bet that Slayer participation in Slaying is going to drop off. A lot of them are going to want normal lives, and those who are willing to Slay will get burnt out.
Someone Else's Vampire?
Interesting idea. That could definitely make for problems. How much autonomy are the Slayers gonna get, now, anyway?
That is, especially after the initial "killing vampires is so nifty", I bet that Slayer participation in Slaying is going to drop off. A lot of them are going to want normal lives, and those who are willing to Slay will get burnt out.
The initial rush may be enough to do the trick. How many vampires and incarnate demons can there be in the world? My impression was that hundreds, if not thousands, of Slayers were called. If it averages out to five or ten demons per Slayer, I don't think many of them would burn out, and ones who band together to work would have an even easier time of it and less burnout/trauma. Certainly none of them is going to face the kind of crushing responsibility buffy had to for years.
Maybe slayers also receive some sort of "joy in killing things" emotional response along with their physical abilities when they're called. Or that the girls who get called are automatically predisposed to enjoy the act of slaying. I think that all the slayers we were shown genuinely liked killing things, even Buffy who rarely admitted it.
I forget the name of the episode. You know, locked in the crypt by B and S to kill their first vampire. But when the Potentials were put through their paces the one thing they all agreed on afterward was the rush they got from personal combat.
Certainly Amanda enjoyed beating up boys, even before she was turned. Though Buffy herself, pre-chosing, seemed more likely to want to shop than scrap.
It all seemed to come as a realization to them. I guess it's the whole death-is-on-the-line jolt of power and confidence.
they all agreed on afterward was the rush they got from personal combat.
Tisn't only Slayers who get that. Ask any SCA fighter. Except for the fact that I hate sweating that much, I'd be out there still.
Lots of people enjoy an adrenaline rush. doesn't matter where they get it.