Perkins, this truly brightened my morning. I laughed my butt off!
Yay me! I'm pretty sure I won't accomplish anything better today. Can I go home now?
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Perkins, this truly brightened my morning. I laughed my butt off!
Yay me! I'm pretty sure I won't accomplish anything better today. Can I go home now?
t sends Perkins home
sends Perkins home
Sigh. I tried to explain to people that I had an edict from the Empress, but they didn't buy it.
Stoopid people.
But see, I saw Xander's speech in ITW as being roughly, he's going to leave in 20 minutes. Regardless of how angry you are about the ultimatium, if you actually care about the guy you need to stop him. That he thought she was blinded by the pissed offness, and making a decision that she'd regret later. I never heard Buffy blaming.
AYW, yes, mountains of Buffy-blaming, it's just appalling. That ep gives me actual shudders everytime I give any thought at all to what it seems to be saying. But that's a season 6 issue, not season 5.
It seems as though the viewer is meant to agree with the "Riley got suckjobs because Buffy neglected him" interpretation.
Well, maybe I am suicidal.
It wasn't that Buffy neglected him-it was that when Riley said, "She doesn't love me," he was correct. Buffy loved the idea of Riley, more than Riley. He WAS the "rebound guy." And once he realized that, their days were inevitably numbered.
As for his "suckjobs", he didn't get involved with vamps to get off. He went to discover the meaning of the darkness he saw in Buffy (the darkness Dracula, and later Spike, saw). And to see if he could discover it in himself, as the one possible route to Buffy's really loving him.
They were both lucky he got away, because though Buffy got swept up by Xander's speech, they never could have worked out. Not because she was selfish or he was immature-but because they really were too different.
Was watching "Gargoyles" on Toon Disney tonight, and I was watching Goliath and the human woman making googly eyes at each other and I thought "My god, it's Buffy and Angel!" Then I saw the copyright date of 1995 and went, "Or are Buffy and Angel really Goliath and Alisa (or whatever her name is)?" He protects her when he can, they fight evil, when she gets turned into a gargoyle a whole new world of "what if?" opens up--I wonder if Joss watched "Gargoyle"?
In spite of the show's enormous clue hammer, I always thought Buffy loved Riley. *Parker* was the rebound guy. She seemed happy in season 4, she genuinely cared about him.
And I can sorta see what you're saying, ted, but Riley lost a lot of points with me for blaming her for everything after he got caught. It was always his bugaboo that she wanted darkness, I didn't see that. If there was any darkness trend, I'd've thought it was more like faith's, wanting to be dark, rather than sleep with it.
Connie, it's "Elisa". And she's totally Buffy. Just up the brooding and I can get to Goliath=Angel. Didn't stick around for his kid, (+2 geek points for knowing:) Angela, to see how Connor she is. From what I've since seen, the show starting being worse around then. Definately right there with you, though.
Helen, Maybe it was watching everything all out oforder the first time (gotta get on season 5, now that I've exhausted Firefly), but I felt like we were getting mixed messages on Riley. That we're confused cuz the writers were. Kinda like Spike was (from what I've read/heard from the various writers) in S6. Not a clear, consistent message.
Me, personally? I was kinda off-put from the beginning by Rilkey-and-Buffy because he had way more chemistry with Willow t insert character identification issues here. He is a lesbian, after all.
but I felt like we were getting mixed messages on Riley. That we're confused cuz the writers were.
Debet, nothing to do with seeing the eps out of order -- I've been riding the same hobby horse (under the "many personalities of Riley" banner) for a long time.
I was kinda off-put from the beginning by Rilkey-and-Buffy because he had way more chemistry with Willow
Well, yeah. The beginning of Buffy/Riley was the worst written getting-of-two-characters-together in the show's history -- she went from being "Willow's friend" to the girl he was supposedly in love with in about a second and a half, for no other reason than the writers needed to have them be a couple by the middle of the season. (When I started watching the show mid-S4, they were already together, and they seemed fine. But seeing the season from the beginning, it's as if they're missing an episode.)