Though it just occurred to me that maybe they are referring to it as a scythe to try to associate the Slayer with Death.
Makes sense, but I have to point out that would be like suddenly changing Xander's name to Thor, with no explanation, in order to make the audience associate him with the God of Thunder.
Due to popular demand (OK, well, Jon requested it), I have posted the breakdown of the previously from "The Gift" up in Mejiaville. It breaks out into 3 parts here on the Phoenix board.
I can't believe that tonight is the last time I will ever get to hear Anya say, "We're dealing with a big bad that can be any dead person it wants to be."
t sob
2. When did Spike where a letterman jacket-- says Season 6, episode 7, but I have no recollection of this!
Him is 7.6, and I bet that's the mix-up. The only other thing I could think of is, what did he wear over his head, into the Magic Box, when the sharks henchmen were chasing him in Tabula Rasa? Tabula Rasa is 6.8, but if someone is counting Bargaining as one episode, rather than two episodes, they might have called it 6.7 by mistake.
I can't afford any of this. I do wish it would be saved though. And FOX is disgusting for auctioning stuff and not giving the money to charity. The licensing fees they're making on Buffy-stuffy more than cover their costs. Dirty bastards.
I would have hoped that at least a percentage of the profits would go to some charity. And I'm wishing that we'll hear that ME gathered up the best stuff and is storing it for future museum placement. That, and I like the picture of ME writers giggling as they sneak manacles and weapons and leather into their cars at night.
The TV Guide interview with Joss says that he took the scythe.
You mean as a memento?
No, he's mailing it to the Iraqi's so he can prove they have a weapon of mass destruction.
Hey, your newly colored hair sounds gorgeous, btw.
Thank you, ma'am. I have a huge blood blister above my lip, and it's matching nicely. Wheeee!!!