Narrator, I'm willing to beat Ken up, but not viciously, as msbelle likes him, and I don't want her angry with me.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Good thing Angel and company have a new source of income, what with the supply of damsels in distress going way down now that girl power's the thing. Wonder if the writers on AtS will make what happened in Sunnydale any part of their show's setting?
See, now, OK, I'm down from the KRAKATOA caps, and can say with clear eye although not clear nose because I have a cold and it is stuffy:
... I was actually very meh for most of the thing. I mean, all my personal (such as anti-Spuffy) preferences aside, I was kind of thinking, this was, along with being the most pointless crossover episode ever, basically a retread of all the other season finales, mixed into one-- Willow's hair changes to an different color which makes me go "ack that is not Alyson Hannigan!" and there is a not-really-the-main-evil male villain who has problems with misogyny and calls Buffy "bitch", and there is a large ensemble fight in which the Scoobies are split up while actors in monster makeup attack them and Willow does a spell sitting on the floor, and large Sunnydale property is utterly destroyed, and Buffy watches her boyfriend die. And, hey, Buffy dies, because of that mortal wound thing, but then wait, she didn't really die, because the wound was not so woundy after all and did not seem to hinder her from leaping from buildingtop to buildingtop later when it was narratively required. Although a sword slid clean through her. Or did I miswatch? It's possible.... And if a cadre of newly-annointed slayers could instantly poof an army of ubervamps why did it take Buffy several weeks to figure out how to kill one even with all her skill and training?
But I liked the Kennedy/Willow. I liked Vi. I wept when Anya died.
I am not saying this to harsh anybody's high. I am saying it because I am finding myself back in this thread and unable to resist my habit which was to say what I think about things, about BtVS, here, in the BtVS thread. Um.
In other news, love is a very fun and distracting state. I highly recommend it.
I love the Lizard. That's not news, of course.
I saw all that RL, and still liked it.
Ha, I know I said I was going to bed, but I have been packing up some stuff since my parents are moving and found some old tapes. Most of them are old (S1-3) Buffy eps, pre-syndication and pre-DVDs. But this one...MTV. Buffy the Vampire Slayer presents: Videos that Don't Suck...ripped right from the set of "Lover's Walk." I am going to be up forever rewatching. Yay for parents moving and nostalgia! Does anyone else remember this show?
The crossover wasn't pointless! It was t deep breath BUFFYNANGLE4EvAHHHHH!!!1!!
(I've already argued this point with Steph)
What Deena said.
About RL and the episode.
And about beating me up - what can I say, it's a fair cop. I KNEW it was a cheap shot. I just relieved some other wise-ass from the burden.
Love is fantastic. Especially in the early days. My husband and I had to stage our first fight because our college roommates were getting a little tired of all the blissful sappiness we were throwing off.
It's way past time to go to sleep but my brain doesn't want to stop thinking about Buffy and what. happens. next. Tellmetellmenow.
I am really deeply cranky, because I saw the finale at a friend's party and came home to find out my mother had FUCKED WITH THE VCR SETTINGS AND I DO NOT HAVE CHOSEN, I HAVE 70 FUCKING MINUTES OF ABC.
And one of the reasons I'm really cranky about this is that I disliked a lot of the episode on first watch, and I suspected that I'd like it better on repeated viewings, and I *wanted* to like it better.
So on first watch:
(1) I SO TOTALLY CALLED IT. Okay, I didn't, I thought Buffy would have to give up her own power somehow and then get it back, but I called the empowering other Slayers thing. Along with Cindy and a lot of other people. But in any case I feel smug.
(2) Things I loved: the core four in the hallway. The obvious question at the end, and Buffy's big huge grin. It was obvious. I don't care. It was right. Lots of random continuity goodness. (Cleveland! I laughed and laughed. Better than finding out what happened to Miss Kitty Fantastico.)
(3) Things that frustrate the hell out of me: This is *Buffy the Vampire Slayer*, so why is Spike the one to make the ultimate heroic sacrifice of the episode? Why does the episode continue the season trend of taking a promising setup and ... getting rid of it? Giles didn't touch anyone because ... the writers thought it would be really funny? The Giles characterization was screwy because everyone forgot how to write? The First was determined to keep Spike around so his jealousy could cause him to ... make a really funny pencil sketch of Angel? Angel came around so ... Spike could get jealous and nothing would happen? Buffy and her friends have a huge argument so ... Buffy could return an episode later and everyone would be good as new? WTF?
Edited to white out the dissatisfactions, because people who want to revel deserve at least a night of revelry.
(okay, okay, I like Ken too... sheesh)
I gotta head for bed too. Goodnight all. Buffy dreams to you. Only, you know, not her dreams... never mind.