I really loved the girl-potential slayer who was getting hit and then rises up and stops the hand. Go you! Kick ass and take names!
I adored this--I loved seeing all the potential slayers awakening to their power, esp. the little girl playing baseball and the heavy girl. This is the first (but not last) time I teared up in this ep. Oh, and tearing up again now.
Liked the handicapped one coming out of her chair especially.
?? Clearly I missed a lot--must rewatch again tonight! My attention to details was not at its height tonight, due to the wine and the tears.
I want that picture of Angel from the punching bag.
That was Angel?! HA! I missed that.
Other favorite bits: the gang playing D&D (Andrew in the red cape; Giles with the strength of a doily); Willow the White; Andrew wondering why he's still alive; "no way you're prettier than me"; "That's my girl, always doing the stupid thing"; okay, I could just quote about 20 lines just off the top of my head...
But I have a question pertaining to next year's Angel (casting spoiler): Spike?! What the fuck? Is that intentional misinformation, or will he really still be on Angel next year?
Am I the only one who felt that the Core Four moment in the hallway ("let's go shopping!") felt really forced? I mean, I liked it, and the continuity nod made me very happy, but to me it just underscored how far they've all come, and how much they've changed, since the first episode, and I didn't really believe that they were those characters anymore.
I really can't believe that they're all (the Core Four) still alive!