Yeah, you're right. I'm just kicking around some ideas to see if we could look at an overhaul with some planning for the future.
I'm trying to look at all our television viewing and our conversational desires as a whole, to see if there's some sort of way to structure our current general/bucket/show threads right now, and to provide a framework for making decisions about adding threads as we go.
If it's aired, I am good. If it hasn't, I avoid. Which includes the director's cuts for SPN, I prefer to catch them after the ep airs.
Clarifying the question...
Is it safe to generalize that if you watch Supernatural and consider yourself media-fannish, that you would be tolerant of posting in an environment where there was also discussion of other, currently airing, material?
I'm guessing not necessarily, because in lj most currently airing discussion happens behind cut tags, so you can engage in whatever you're caught up with all at the same time, but still avoid currently airing spoilers otherwise.
Cass is me. As is Amy. Except much prettier.
I'd go with a big old not-necessarily myself, Liese.
you would be tolerant of posting in an environment where there was also discussion of other, currently airing, material?
I, personally, am.
But my spoiler issues are also dependent on which show it is, so I tiptoe where *my* needs necessitate. There are many times when I don't watch something live but, after it airs, it's up to me to watch where I go.
Decent analogy, but no one was asked to quiet down. I feel I need to make that point, lest someone feel again that their squeeing was a bad thing.
Well, we were asked to put in jump tags so that people didn't have to hear us.
But you weren't asked not to talk.
Once again, I see a negative spin. "so we can more easily skip very long discussions we aren't part of, without bothering you guys" does not have the same intent as "we don't want to hear you".
And I don't think I'm media-fannish enough to answer Liese's question, but anyway, I'm generally not spoiler-adverse.
But you weren't asked not to talk.
There's a difference between being asked to talk more quietly and being asked not to talk--that may be a semantic disconnect here.
Well, we were asked to put in jump tags so that people didn't have to hear us.
Not that I asked for them, so I can't speak for whoever did of course, but the jump tags just make the thread easier for me to navigate regardless of how I feel about what's in between those tags.
I like SPN, not really a watcher, since I tivo CSI and i'm generally not home on Thursdays to watch it. I have enjoyed the W&Ps of a rerun that was airing this summer, but for me, the issue is really the W&P of a DVD in a general thread, because I can't participate.
But, I DEFINITELY don't want SPNers to think that they can't squee and flail, regardless of what happens here. Hell, I might have to start watching just so I can encourage people, because I feel as though people will feel awkward no matter what happens and that is the last thing I think that anyone wants
But, in this vein,
"Hey, can't you people quiet down or take it outside?"
Decent analogy, but no one was asked to quiet down. I feel I need to make that point, lest someone feel again that their squeeing was a bad thing.
But even so, if someone does say that, should that really be translated as meaning you're not welcome at the party anymore?
I have a suggestion:
How about keeping SPN in Boxed Set, and a new rule limiting W&P to concurrent posting with the airing of the show. This would reduce the number of SPN posts until such time as the show begins airing, when we can all W&P or watch something else.
of course, this proposal may seem useless to other people, because it addresses my theory, which is that it seems to me that DVD W&Ps are the reason for the volume of SPN posts as opposed to other shows on hiatus, and why SPN seems so prevalent in Boxed Set*. I think that once the fall season starts, it will be moot. I mean, this never came up until summer.
- I am far too lazy to go back and check, I just feel like this is true, so feel free to call bullshit.