I'll go wherever the SPN discussion goes, and also stay in Boxed Set because I'm a ginormous fannish crackwhore. I'm not upset by any of this except for the part where other people are upset, if that makes sense.
I have sensed some exasperation for a while now whenever we get all Supernatural Likes Carrots.
I'll go wherever the SPN discussion goes, and also stay in Boxed Set because I'm a ginormous fannish crackwhore. I'm not upset by any of this except for the part where other people are upset, if that makes sense.
This is how I feel. I wish there was an undo button.
Are any of the media-fannish SPNers spoiler averse?
I am so confused by the MF term that I don't know if you're asking me. Which means you're not, I guess. But I still keep trying to make it so we are.
Mostly--why do you ask? I mean, there could be people who meet the description that aren't here, so any answer either way is inconclusive.
I don't really understand the question either. I'm not averse to spoilers if it's stuff that's aired -- if I can't see the show the night it airs, I wait till I can before tiptoing into the thread.
I don't want future spoilers, though, for anything.
Yeah, you're right. I'm just kicking around some ideas to see if we could look at an overhaul with some planning for the future.
I'm trying to look at all our television viewing and our conversational desires as a whole, to see if there's some sort of way to structure our current general/bucket/show threads right now, and to provide a framework for making decisions about adding threads as we go.
If it's aired, I am good. If it hasn't, I avoid. Which includes the director's cuts for SPN, I prefer to catch them after the ep airs.
Clarifying the question...
Is it safe to generalize that if you watch Supernatural and consider yourself media-fannish, that you would be tolerant of posting in an environment where there was also discussion of other, currently airing, material?
I'm guessing not necessarily, because in lj most currently airing discussion happens behind cut tags, so you can engage in whatever you're caught up with all at the same time, but still avoid currently airing spoilers otherwise.
Cass is me. As is Amy. Except much prettier.
I'd go with a big old not-necessarily myself, Liese.
you would be tolerant of posting in an environment where there was also discussion of other, currently airing, material?
I, personally, am.
But my spoiler issues are also dependent on which show it is, so I tiptoe where *my* needs necessitate. There are many times when I don't watch something live but, after it airs, it's up to me to watch where I go.