Are you SPN types saying you wouldn't want to stay in Boxed Set now, anyway, no matter what?
I can only speak for myself, but as things stand, I probably would never do more than skim and probably not even that. There's nothing else discussed there I watch on anything like a normal schedule (I've only seen half of last week's Eureka). That may change when the new shows come out, but I kind of doubt it, given the bad taste this whole thing has left in my mouth.
Why don't you propose a new place for you to talk about it?"
OK, I don't that's being fair to Frank. Here's exactly what he said:
OK, serious question here. Do the SPNers have a reason why they do NOT want a seprate thread for their show? Because I'm just about ready to propose one, but I hate the idea of proposing a thread for a show I don't watch (other than random episodes), but that I want to have the commentary of moved elsewhere. I have appeciated the links to skip the "re-watch and posts", but now it seems like the show can't be avoided here (or in other threads) even with that system.
The episodes I've seen I've liked but not loved, and the recent squeeing and flailing has made the signal to noise ratio in this thread a bit much for me. If I'm alone in this, that's OK - just say so. But I don't understand why a separate thread (especially with a new season coming) would be a BAD thing.
Lurker McLurkypants here for the roll call:
Watch SPN, mostly lurk in BS, would probably post more in an all SPN thread but would still post in BS. As much as I post, which is little. Got used to talking about beautiful spooky cake on LJ (esp. since I got into it before it really started getting discussed here) but miss chatting with my lovely Buffistas.
Also want everyone happy, also know that's impossible. Wish that the idea of a separate thread hadn't been tainted (for some people) by the manner of proposal. Can see several different sides of this discussion.
Have misplaced pronouns. Am posting and running. Feel that post is fairly useless but am posting anyway.
Poor Frank is probably hiding in a bunker somewhere.
It frustrates me that we can't discuss something like this without people's feelings getting hurt. I understand the reactions, but it makes me sad, because no one wants that.
But now the SPN watchers say they wouldn't feel welcome back in Boxed Set anyway, and the other Boxed Set denizens are saying "Hey, we like you; we're just trying to make mediafannish discussions easier for everyone!"
I don't watch SPN so I have no stake in this, but the above sentiment seems understandable to me on the side of the SPN-ers. Why go back to Boxed Set and risk talking too much about another show that the thread was established for and then be told that you're talking too much about it? I know that may not be people's intentions, but that's the message that I see being floated out there.
I would totally support an SPN thread if I thought the majority of SPN watchers and posters actually wanted it, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm not saying that the others should suck it up, but if the amount of people complaining here about the overwhelming nature of the SPN posts at times, actually posted about what they wanted to talk about when this is going on instead of just sitting back and feeling overwhelmed, I think the thread stats would look completely different.
So wait. Are you SPN types saying you wouldn't want to stay in Boxed Set now, anyway, no matter what?
I've pretty much conceded that more people are unhappy having the discussion there than are happy having it there. The thread will happen, we'll be cranky for a time and then start arguing about important things like what to name the thread. We'll get over it, I'm sure. We usually do.
That said, it's been an unpleasant couple of days. It's put me in a horrible mood, and at loggerheads with people I like. I don't like that. It's not good for anyone.
To avoid such an eventuality in the future, I am saying that, should I feel passionate enough about another genre show to want to discuss it ad nauseum, I will most likely not be doing so in Boxed Set.
And Frank wasn't the one who proposed the new thread either.
Okay. I don't get it, and I'm not going to. Is there any non-going-back-in-time solution here?
To avoid such an eventuality in the future, I am saying that, should I feel passionate enough about another genre show to want to discuss it ad nauseum, I will most likely not be doing so in Boxed Set.
Where will you do the discussing?
I really don't get it. Time to unsub.