We just had a discussion about No Preference votes in Bureaucracy.
'Life of the Party'
Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
ita got me.
I wasn't shooing anybody away, either from a particular thread or b.org in general. I was genuinely asking--because it seems strange to me because I've never thought of b.org as that sort of board--if people here would really prefer to reproduce the board experience of WX. And if so, why?
Kristin and Drew said it's because they want to talk about the shows they watch with the people here, and okay, I get that. That's an aspect I hadn't considered.
I just think that individual show threads are already created--albeit on another board--so I was wondering why replicate that experience *here*? Because aside from the Whedon shows, that has never been the experience of *this* board. B.org has always been more like an organic conversation. We've split off subjects that threaten to take over the room (movies, music, books, writing and fic), and even tv. But aside from the Whedon shows and behemoths like Lost (used to be), Veronica Mars, and Heroes (still not convinced that was a good idea, but that's my own personal opinion), the tv shows have been grouped into shared threads.
But if people are considering a television folder with a hundred or more individual show-dedicated threads, that's... boggling. That's a huge culture change. And I can't quite see the reason for it, the necessity for it, when something *just like that* already exists.
I may be dense, but I'm not trying to shoo anybody away. I'm just trying to understand what other people want and expect from this board.
so I was wondering why replicate that experience *here*?
And I can't quite see the reason for it, the necessity for it, when something *just like that* already exists.
Because the *people* with whom Kristin and Drew want to discuss the shows are *here,* not at WX.
The feeling is NOT "I want to discuss SPN, and I don't really care who I discuss it with; I just want to fling my opinion out into the aether void and see if someone with a basic grasp of spelling and grammar decides to answer."
Rather, the feeling is "I want to discuss SPN with these people who I already know and like and enjoy discussing a crazy array of other topics with."
At least, that's the way it seems to me.
t edit I should ALSO say that I'm not reading this *specific* discussion (that is, the one we're having right now, as proposed by AmyLiz) as Should B.Org Have A Television Folder With A Thread For Every Show Anyone Watches?
We've split off subjects that threaten to take over the room (movies, music, books, writing and fic), and even tv. But aside from the Whedon shows and behemoths like Lost (used to be), Veronica Mars, and Heroes
Um. Isn't that what we're talking about doing? Is the idea that, rather than setting precedent, we've done it too much and must stop or else change the board's essential nature?
Sincerely asking. Don't understand.
I think you could even include Bitches and Natter in that list.
Like Kristin, I feel that it would be crappy not to share how I would vote. I am pro SPN-dedicated thread. I would never have proposed a new thread cause I'm not that invested, but now that it's coming up, that's how I'd vote. I've stopped going into BS because of the volume of SPN discussion. To be fair, the only BS show I'm up-to-date on is BSG, so that is what I skim for. It was never an issue until SPN started really taking off in there. I enjoy SPN, too, but I've only watched the S1 DVDs so far, so I have to be careful not to get spoiled. So between these two issues, I've taken BS off my visit list. Were SPN to have a dedicated thread, I'd be back into BS and join the SPN discussion when I catch up cause I loves me some Jensen Ackles! Plus, look at all the b.org hotties that would be in there! Woot!
On a more serious note, it sucks that the SPN posters are feeling badly. BS has been/is SPN's home, and you have every right to use it. I've never felt annoyance with anyone and have found the squee to be downright charming. It's simply a volume/usability issue for me. I sincerely hope that if SPN spins off into its own thread that we still see all the SPNers in BS, too.
Sincerely asking. Don't understand.
Got it. No worries.
Um. Isn't that what we're talking about doing?
Yes, at the moment with SPN.
Is the idea that, rather than setting precedent, we've done it too much and must stop or else change the board's essential nature?
I think there's certainly some need for thought, if not caution, there. Those of us who sojourned at WX while waiting for b.org to be created and launched are familiar with how it's laid out. Those of us who did not might want to go to The TV Funhouse forum at World Crossing and take a good look around.
Then come back to The Phoenix and decide if WX is what you want to recreate here. I'm sure that, as neutral as I'm trying to be, you can all tell what my answer would be. But maybe that *is* what the majority of posters want. I don't know. I just think those who haven't seen it might want to get an idea what it looks like.
Or you could look at TWOP's Scifi and Action Adventure Forum which is more similar to here because you have the option of subscribing to individual threads.
The feeling is NOT "I want to discuss SPN, and I don't really care who I discuss it with; I just want to fling my opinion out into the aether void and see if someone with a basic grasp of spelling and grammar decides to answer."
Rather, the feeling is "I want to discuss SPN with these people who I already know and like and enjoy discussing a crazy array of other topics with."
This. Er, not that I even watch SPN, but this is definitely what I've thought and felt about other shows. I knew WX was out there, and I posted once or twice a few years ago, but I didn't know (most of) those people or the rhythms of the conversations, and I stopped even lurking very quickly. I love it here, I love the spicy brains of these particular people, what they see, what they think, how they express it. If all the Buffistas who watch whatever-show-I-like wanted to get together at WX and talk about it, I'd be there in a flash for the combination of beloved show and beloved co-conversationalists. But I'd still wonder why we were running off to that other place, why we couldn't sit around and talk here at home.
And at the same time, I feel awful that so many SPNers are hurt and upset and seeing a dedicated thread as exile instead of a spiffy new playroom. I feel like I must have totally misunderstood the meaning of media fannishness and the function of Boxed Set all along, and I'm now kind of glad that I'm so far behind in all the shows discussed that I almost never even lurk there, because if I lurked enough I'd probably post and then I'd make an ass of myself.
I was going to not vote at all because I'm not involved in the thread (although at least half the shows discussed there are on my wishlist for DVDs or just enough free time to Tivo them (although although, I also find the bucketness a little overwhelming; I'll watch two or three episodes of Doctor Who and then skim the thread and realize three or four entirely new shows are under discussion, and I'm still a year behind in the only one I've had time to watch at all, and I won't be able to read everything and sample everyone's words, from Deep Thoughts to Squee, for probably another two or three years)), but now I'm tempted to vote No because it's so hurtful to the SPNers.
Though, again, frustrated, because I do love dedicated threads, I just want them here, with us. Which probably makes the anti-proliferationistas sad and upset.
In conclusion, I have no conclusions. Someone please shut me up.
I think dedicated threads for big-love shows are good. But I know we don't do things that way 'round these parts.
Why not? What the heck is wrong with changing the culture? What is so holy about our culture that it can't be modified? That's what so many of these arguments seem to come down to--and for all the "Oh, I don't want to offend anyone" girl-politeness, this is an argument.
So we're doing something someone else has done. Big whoop.
Someone's going to be offended, and I can cope with that, but this is how I feel: there is a thread of "Mustn't change our super special happy place, because here I am super special happy, and any change to Super Special Happy Place endangers me." Cope and deal.
Something's broken. Put everything on the table and see if something really cool and workable can be put together out of the pieces, even if that something doesn't look like "the way it's always been."