Here's my thing about cross pollination. I've not been able to follow boxed set in a long time, and yet, through people on this board I still heard about Supernatural, and Eureka, and BSG, and The Riches, and Ice Road Truckers. It was from comments scattered around the various threads or from quick conversations in IM with folks. That's the thing, for me the cross pollination happens through connections with people, and the fewer threads that I can participate in means fewer ways for me to connect with these people. Also, these people are my friends, they are all of you, people I really enjoy. It's hard to express how much I miss talking about these shows with people here and yet that's the way it's been for me for a long time now.
Also, I don't see how bucket threads are more of a board culture than single threads. This board was founded around Buffy and then Angel, and then grew to Firefly. All of these shows had single threads.
To win a vote, the option must have 50% +1. So if the majority vote No Preference, that is essentially a Take No Action vote.
To win a vote, the option must have 50%+1 of the yes/no (or actionable) votes.
Example. Our minimum vote total is 42. If 20 people vote YES, and 17 people vote NO, and 5 people vote NO PREFERENCE, the yes votes take the day. You don't need 50%+1 of 42 (or more). You need 50%+1 of the quantity [yes votes + no votes].
Interesting. 39 people could vote no pref 2 could vote yes and one no and yes would get it.
Yes, but if people didn't want it to pass they would vote No.
Interesting. 39 people could vote no pref 2 could vote yes and one no and yes would get it.
Right. Essentially, the 39 people don't care what the outcome is, but do agree whatever issue at hand needs to be resolved (probably because they're frigging sick of hearing about it).
We just had a discussion about No Preference votes in Bureaucracy.
ita got me.
I wasn't shooing anybody away, either from a particular thread or in general. I was genuinely asking--because it seems strange to me because I've never thought of as that sort of board--if people here would really prefer to reproduce the board experience of WX. And if so, why?
Kristin and Drew said it's because they want to talk about the shows they watch with the people here, and okay, I get that. That's an aspect I hadn't considered.
I just think that individual show threads are already created--albeit on another board--so I was wondering why replicate that experience *here*? Because aside from the Whedon shows, that has never been the experience of *this* board. has always been more like an organic conversation. We've split off subjects that threaten to take over the room (movies, music, books, writing and fic), and even tv. But aside from the Whedon shows and behemoths like Lost (used to be), Veronica Mars, and Heroes (still not convinced that was a good idea, but that's my own personal opinion), the tv shows have been grouped into shared threads.
But if people are considering a television folder with a hundred or more individual show-dedicated threads, that's... boggling. That's a huge culture change. And I can't quite see the reason for it, the necessity for it, when something *just like that* already exists.
I may be dense, but I'm not trying to shoo anybody away. I'm just trying to understand what other people want and expect from this board.
so I was wondering why replicate that experience *here*?
And I can't quite see the reason for it, the necessity for it, when something *just like that* already exists.
Because the *people* with whom Kristin and Drew want to discuss the shows are *here,* not at WX.
The feeling is NOT "I want to discuss SPN, and I don't really care who I discuss it with; I just want to fling my opinion out into the aether void and see if someone with a basic grasp of spelling and grammar decides to answer."
Rather, the feeling is "I want to discuss SPN with these people who I already know and like and enjoy discussing a crazy array of other topics with."
At least, that's the way it seems to me.
t edit
I should ALSO say that I'm not reading this *specific* discussion (that is, the one we're having right now, as proposed by AmyLiz) as Should B.Org Have A Television Folder With A Thread For Every Show Anyone Watches?
We've split off subjects that threaten to take over the room (movies, music, books, writing and fic), and even tv. But aside from the Whedon shows and behemoths like Lost (used to be), Veronica Mars, and Heroes
Um. Isn't that what we're talking about doing? Is the idea that, rather than setting precedent, we've done it too much and must stop or else change the board's essential nature?
Sincerely asking. Don't understand.
I think you could even include Bitches and Natter in that list.