Really? More than Lost or Veronica Mars or Heroes?
It seems that way to me, mostly because of the duration of the squeeage. But that's just my perception, and from someone who only watched one of those three.
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
Really? More than Lost or Veronica Mars or Heroes?
It seems that way to me, mostly because of the duration of the squeeage. But that's just my perception, and from someone who only watched one of those three.
I was asking because I remember people saying at the time for each of those shows that it was like a jossverse show because of arc or mythology or whatever.
What I'm seeing with SPN that I didn't see with Lost (don't know about VM or Heroes) is an invesment in the characters and the characters' well-being that seems as strong as anything I ever saw with BtVS.
I do think that SPN could support a show of its own, but as to whether or not it should? I'm torn. I honestly don't know how I'd vote if we went to a vote today.
Do I see a tendency towards creating single show threads that ulitimately become smaller enclaves that are not as fruitful for inclusive discussion? yes.
Me too.
Part of cross-pollination, to me, is discussing shows *in relation to, and in comparison to or with, each other*.
How much of this is really happening though? Are people discussing SPN in comparison with SGA or BSG, because I really haven't noticed much of that outside of occasional comparisons with Buffy, which isn't one of the shows in the thread. However, I do skip most of the SPN talk so I may have totally missed it.
Do I see a tendency towards creating single show threads that ulitimately become smaller enclaves that are not as fruitful for inclusive discussion? yes.
The flip side to this question is what do we do when a show so overwhelms a bucket thread that the other shows get short shrift? SPN really has developed a momentum in the thread over the last few months. Last year there wasn't a lot of SPN talk out of season. This week there were almost 250 posts of W&P and analysis for a rerun. That's a lot of material to have to skim. By comparison, the season premiere of Eureka had only about half that many posts.
Amy, I hope you know I wasn't trying to pressure you into anything. I hope I didn't make you feel that way.
Not at all. I was off seeing OotP with the family.
I'm not sure what I feel like doing yet. I think the discussion is certainly valuable, although it does seem very familiar after the discussions about the TV bucket threads. There seem to be a few ways at looking at TV threads and discussion of same in here, and there's clearly not one way that's going to satisfy everyone, or even most people.
I also think I'm not familiar enough with board history and culture to really be in a position to judge this, because all I really want to do is to keep discussing SPN (with squeeing and flailing) somewhere and not intrude on others' space.
That said, I think the discussion should continue for a while and then I'll make a call about tabling it or not.
FWIW, I don't really want this question resolved in the sense that future decisions are predicated on some principle we extract here.
I think sometimes bucket threads are better and sometimes single show threads are better and we have to revisit this question when the pressure arises.
Boxed Set is kind of Fandomville, but that means different things to different people. I will note that Squeeage can be alienating and feel exclusive if you're on the outside of it. Whereas other types of discussion are more likely to have the cross-pollinating effect that people like about bucket threads.
OTOH, Squeeage is very reinforcing when you're in on it. It's the shared excitement and appreciation and sense of mutual culture that's really exciting about fandom.
Everybody typing "Giles!" after "I'd like to test that theory" is that kind of Squeeage.
I share Nutty's concern about losing the original thread feel, because I'm offa my lawn like that, and also for weird and somewhat gendered reasons such as have been discussed in depth over at Henry Jenkins' place. Which, I own, is a me issue.
How much of this is really happening though? Are people discussing SPN in comparison with SGA or BSG, because I really haven't noticed much of that outside of occasional comparisons with Buffy, which isn't one of the shows in the thread.
There's not a lot of that. There is digression into other genre TV work by the various actors (SPN segues into our Periodic Dark Angel Discussions). But it's not the same kind of genre show as BSG or SGA, being neither ensemble nor in space. There's some, I think, discussion about it as related to X-Files, which is a more logical leap to make (shared staffing, two main characters vs. the world, the truth is out there), though that may have been limited to discussion in the fic thread.
I know that folks feel that single show threads will create closed little enclaves but how is that different than the essentially closed enclave that is created by a bucket thread. For me the bucket aspect is an exclusionary aspect.
I'm halfway intrigued by the idea of a watch-n-post thread, though I'm not sure at all how it would work in practice.