Isn't [enthusiasm + posting volume] what led to Heroes having its own thread? Also, Smallville?
I don't think you can bring Smallville into this, because any thread that was grandfathered in from WX was subject to a different set of concerns. We just created threads willy-nilly then.
EATA: I know there are posters (Hi, Drew!) who want separate threads for each show, so they can discuss what they've been able to watch, and not be spoiled or subjected to discussion on shows they haven't watched or won't watch. I can understand that impulse. But realistically, you're looking at eight posts per week in each of those threads, with the same four or five people posting, and never talking to anybody in any of the other threads. That's not a posting board, or a fannish community. I don't feel that experience is what is or ever has been. Maybe that's where we're going, ultimately. But it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, to me.
Every single show with its own thread and waiting for the participation between people who are watching live, those that are timeshifting and then for those waiting for the dvds and time to get through them is not the type of board that *I* want to participate in, necessarily.
Maybe that's why no one's ever proposed such a thing?
Maybe that's why no one's ever proposed such a thing?
I think it's arguable that it's being proposed one thread at a time.
I don't really feel like this is my fight to post in. But, IMO, the only single-show threads that have been successful for more than one season are threads for Jossverse shows. I don't think there's really a critical mass for other shows. But that's just, again, my impression.
Well, one of the things that I think we were looking for in the experimental tv threads was an idea of whether some of those shows might support their own threads, in addition to testing out the idea of bucket threads. I don't see any call for dedicated threads for any of those shows, and I don't really expect too, not with the current crop of shows anyway.
I do think SPN, given the intensity of feeling, the combination of both serious discussion and squeeage, and the fact that it's not just posting tied to new eps running, is closer to a Jossverse show in people's relationship to it than any we've seen in recent years.
It's upsetting that SPN posters are feeling squeezed, but it sounds to me like some other people are as well. I don't know what the answer is here, but I don't think dismissing those people's concerns as shutting down SPNers for "having the nerve to talk about it" or suggesting that it's just some new thread free-for-all is helpful.
I don't know what the answer is here, but I don't think dismissing those people's concerns as shutting down SPNers for "having the nerve to talk about it" or suggesting that it's just some new thread free-for-all is helpful.
I don't think hyperbole is helpful, either. However-- each time a thread is proposed someone mentions what we've done under similar circumstances, whether to be fair to each proposed thread or to ensure we are acting consistently. In this discussion people have mentioned what we did with LotR, Heroes, and Smallville, IIRC. It seems natural therefore to consider what precedent would be set by creating
thread. So if by starting this thread we are setting a precedent that allows for a thread free-for-all, that seems a valid concern to me.
Brenda--OT, but did you get my email about vids? I haven't heard back, just wondering.
But, IMO, the only single-show threads that have been successful for more than one season are threads for Jossverse shows. I don't think there's really a critical mass for other shows.
I think this is at the heart of my reluctance to partition shows out of Boxed Set. I wasn't in favor of a Heroes thread. I didn't say so, because most of the people who were discussing Heroes seemed to want it so I just went with the majority on that one. I miss Heroes discussion in Boxed Set. If I'm short on time and need to skip reading, Heroes is one of the first to go, because I *know* what's in there, and who's posting. There's little to no potential for discovery, for new POVs, and for me, that's part of the fun. Plus, with no new episodes, it's just sort of sitting there all empty and forlorn, and it feels wasteful for me to carry a non-administrative thread that isn't active for part of the year.
I guess I like the bazaar atmosphere, the jostle and the cross-talk of having multiple shows in a single thread (okay, bucket. There, I said it. It's not an attractive term). That seems to be the way our board culture has evolved.
I'm gathering from the discussion that some people are as opposed to the jostle and flow as I and others am disposed to it. So there's no right or wrong, here, there's only evolving culture. And I think at least more discussion is merited, certainly on a weekday, to let as many who care to weigh in with their opinions on the subject, although it's certainly Amy's choice whether or not to table the discussion short of voting.
I do think SPN, given the intensity of feeling, the combination of both serious discussion and squeeage, and the fact that it's not just posting tied to new eps running, is closer to a Jossverse show in people's relationship to it than any we've seen in recent years
Really? More than Lost or Veronica Mars or Heroes?
I ask because I do agree with bon bon that it seems like we are slowly building threads one at a time to either corral conversation members of the collective we are tired of skimming around or because people of a smaller "we" are interested in a separate space.
I think Beverly totally nails my concern on the head. Do I care about a SPN thread one way or another? Nope. Do I see a tendency towards creating single show threads that ulitimately become smaller enclaves that are not as fruitful for inclusive discussion? yes.
Really? More than Lost or Veronica Mars or Heroes?
It seems that way to me, mostly because of the duration of the squeeage. But that's just my perception, and from someone who only watched one of those three.
I was asking because I remember people saying at the time for each of those shows that it was like a jossverse show because of arc or mythology or whatever.
What I'm seeing with SPN that I didn't see with Lost (don't know about VM or Heroes) is an invesment in the characters and the characters' well-being that seems as strong as anything I ever saw with BtVS.
I do think that SPN could support a show of its own, but as to whether or not it should? I'm torn. I honestly don't know how I'd vote if we went to a vote today.