Much as I'd participate (and I would) in a solo thread, I hate the feeling that a show that both fits under the original perimeters of the Boxed Set Feel (fangirl candy, lots of glee and excitement, see also early Smallville and due South) and generates a lot of talk and conversions (note that a lot of the conversation today was with recent viewers) is being pushed out because it gets on people's nerves that we have the nerve to talk about it.
Mayhaps I'm cranky, but to be perfectly frank, I have to skip past wads of posts on shows I don't watch all the time. It's a function of having a combined thread, and a combined thread will never be all things to all people.
Is that any different from how the LotR threads got started?
(It occurs to me as I reach for post that that could be taken as pointed. It's not.)
Maybe it's not so much pushed out as allowed to expand into it's own space. I don't know.
We have a history of separating some shows on their own when posts reach a critical mass. I guess the question is has this one reached that level?
I tend to skip over all the SPN stuff because I've never seen the show. I guess if I saw an episode, I might like it, but I haven't, so I skip.
I'm happy to keep SPN where it is, FWIW. I like the feel of Boxed Set.
And no, not a SPN watcher myself. But maybe one day...
Is that any different from how the LotR threads got started?
Yeah. This is how those got started:
Bon Bon:
Um. I know thread overload is a problem, but I nevertheless have a thread suggestion. In the next week, we know natter will be overtaken by TTT, especially during Joss show hiatus. Some of us won't be able to watch it the very first day, so people will have to whitefont, and others taking time off for the holiday won't catch all the discussion. And I know last year I would have loved to see all the comments in one place. Is there any interest--even by those with *no* interest in it, and who would prefer a hobbit-free natter holiday-- in an LOTR thread?
Which is a whole different vibe, to me.
I don't think it's being "pushed out" so much as now that the anti-proliferationistas have given up any hope, the YAYnewthreadistas are looking for any likely looking candidates.
I don't think it's being "pushed out" so much as now that the anti-proliferationistas have given up any hope, the YAYnewthreadistas are looking for any likely looking candidates.
That's not the feeling I've had in the thread when it's come up.
I don't think it's being "pushed out" so much as now that the anti-proliferationistas have given up any hope, the YAYnewthreadistas are looking for any likely looking candidates.
To echo Plei and Lee, that's not the feeling I've gotten when this has come up before.
I think SPN should stay in Boxed Set. It fits the parameters of Boxed Set perfectly, and I don't think it generates any more conversation than Dr. Who or The Dresden Files or even BSG did.
Well, I'll certainly defer to the feelings of those who watch the show.
I assume from the talk that it wasn't an SPNer who made the proposal, and that in and of itself feels off to me.
(Also, just to be clear, I'm not arguing for it to go as I think it fits where it is and I'm not partial to new threads.)