I'm not comfortable with the one size fits all, really.
Yeah. It's supposed to fit all, but in practicality it too often turns out to be "fits some people, other people are always pulling up the shoulders or making embarassing adjustments to the underportions."
Though I may just be transferring clothing issues that are irrelevant.
I think folks are smart enough to figure out whitefont rules after a couple of tries. It's not like surgery, where you hope a newbie is on the ball first time out.
3.)If the answer to 3 is yes, how long to you want white font for?
This is a trick question, right?
Yeah, that's all I got.
I found that it could be difficult to get traction for discussion of the non-fiction stuff in the midst of the reality TV stuff. I'm pretty sure I was in the minority there though.
I didn't ever get beyond reading the experimentals, but I'd be with you in the long term here. Most of my tv viewing is non-fiction, but I'm not a fan of the reality game show structure. Logically, however, they do feel like they all fit in the same thread. For me, it just means the whitefont question is moot.
Logically, however, they do feel like they all fit in the same thread.
See, that's the thing for me, it does seem like they would fit in the same thread, but a reality show like Survivor is actually pretty far away from something like Modern Marvels, or Mythbusters. At least to me.
I'm more a non-fiction TV than a reality show viewer. (TAR is my only cuppa, at this point.)
I'm on the side of finding an essential difference between reality and non-fiction tv shows. I'd love to discuss Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs, but I never watch any reality tv.
Really, if I'm going to have to wade through pages of reality tv talk to find the discussions I'm interested in, we might as well put it all back in Natter, because that's what I was doing before.
But, but, but....
seeing what little talk there was of it in with the other reality shows. It made me want to watch the non-fiction shows.
I loved seeing what little talk there was of it in with the other reality shows. It made me want to watch the non-fiction shows.
Very much this. I'm not a channel flipper so I really don't see what's out there otherwise.
As for white font, I'm fine with either since I tended to just stay out of the experimental thread until I watched the show in question.
Yeah, I did like having it in there.
Scrolling past reality no eaiser than scrolling through Natter? Really?