As far as the Politics thread, I'm with Jon and Victor. I have no objections to adding new threads, and I don't think there the technical issues are sufficient to warrant against it. I don't think the conversation will get out of control. I'm also not all that concerned that a horde of trolls will descend upon us.
I dislike discussing politics, and would never subscribe to a politics thread. I initially thought I might vote for it this time around, but then I realized that I was only considering it because I saw it as a way to exile the political talk to it's own little corner of the board where I didn't have to read it. That's a lousy reason to vote in favor, IMO. I may not like it, but I'd rather skim.
We've never been a general purpose board. As has been noted, we started with TV only, and branched out into other areas of popular culture as we grew. We originally added the natter thread mostly to take some of the pressure off the show threads so people could keep up with them. I just don't think a politics thread fits this board any better than a sports thread would.
I propose a hockey thread. For me and Matt and Andrea.
Just kidding. I think the issues raised are valid. And I'll be interested to see how the vote goes, when it does.
I propose a hockey thread. For me and Matt and Andrea.
and me. go preds!
Huh. There will be going alright, from Original Six teams, thenkyewvarymooch. And no, the ten year old team that thinks it is 90 years old doesn't count.
I'd go for a hockey thread!
Go Bolts!!
If it happens, it'll be nowhere near as bad as the naysayers think it will be, nor will it stop the politics talk in other threads.
I completely agree.
As do I. Because personally, I have seen "discussions" get more angry, rude and "violent" (lack of a better word, I'm working on 5 hours of sleep) over certain episodes of the show that brought us all together into this big happy family in the first place.
As for "ghettoizing" politics, I don't think creating a thread for pople who want to have discussions about a certain subject is any different than the Movies, LotR and even the sub-communities of Bitches and Atlantic Candians. I only came to the board on WX, so I am fairly new. I don't know how Bitches and Atlantic Canadians came about. I am assuming that at some point, there were a group of people who wanted to have this one thread over here - Atlantic Canadians to do their watch 'n posts since they got Buffy earlier the USians, for example. Maybe too much Tampon talk in Natter. Honestly, no idea.
I also find it interesting that so many people who say, "I am not voting for this thread" are also saying, "But I'll post in it."
I propose that there be a Politics Thread. This thread would be for any discussion regarding politics, ways to become involved in politics and other subjects having anything to do with and/or pertaining to politics. Domestic or foreign. Primarily focusing on the upcoming presidential election, but could also include local elections.
This thread will have a trial run of 3 months. If it is found that during that trial period, it is seen that there is either A) not enough interest and/or B) too much trollish behavior **, then the thread will be shut down at the end of the 3 month trial period, with no further discussion in B'rcy and/or Lightbulbs. Furthermore, the thread will then be placed in moratorium for the requisite 6 months.
** I think that there needs to be a discussion on how to define the trollish behavior that would be considered too much. I want to make sure that if, and there are meant to be, a few "loud" discussions, that are within normal Buffista range, that those aren't declared "too trollish". Also, not sure who should be the judge on the trollish behavior. It gets sticky.
Okay, not saying it's the last one, but it's a new one, anyway.
Er, can we still take part in the discussion? I'm confused. I thought the proposal wasn't getting finalized until Monday.
not saying it's the last one, but it's a new one,
It was just an early revision, Burrell.
I also find it interesting that so many people who say, "I am not voting for this thread" are also saying, "But I'll post in it."
I would also post about politics in Natter, unless it got outlawed. Someone asked who would actually use it, and I figured, honesty. I use the other movies/music/blahblah threads despite not consensing or voting for them, too. It's where the conversation goes. If I want to talk about it, I have to follow it, regardless of whether I like for it to be there or not.