Yes, they're all shows that inspire fannish behavior, but there are different ways to be a fan about a show, and creating seperate categories for the seperate types of fannishness only makes sense (well, to me anyway, and y'all know that I'm right all the time, right?)
No! No! Me! My definitions! Serious and HoYay discussions are totally mixy things!
Er, yeah, so there's the point of confusion, I guess. Again, I don't feel that strongly about it. Whatever's decided, I'm sure I'll settle in. I'm also sure that I'll merrily discuss HoYay if I'm in the mood in the Sci-Fi thread, though; my personal method of discussion for Farscape and Stargate and Highlander is all pretty much the same.
To be fair, we've done it with Buffy and, more notably, Angel.
Very true.
(and it seems that of the people we have heard from, there are many people who like that idea)...
Oh yeah. I'm coming at this from the Farscape angle, and like the idea of a Sci-Fi thread that keeps the tone I'm used to over there, but in the end I really don't care. If we decide to just put them all together in Fannish TV, I'll be okay with that too.
is there a way to get to one thread from three?
We could just cram them all together. But like Lyra Jane points out, Fannish TV has similar problems to a general TV thread. Not sure how to solve those problems.
I'll speak up here as the individual who campaigned to start the Farscape thread to begin with.
I have no problems with consolidation, although yes I can understand that someone who watches only Farscape and not DS, Smallville, SG-1 or Highlander might have a hard time wading through the thread to find the posts that interest them.
I don't see the big disjunction that Sean seems to: fannish analysis for me runs the spectrum from "hummina hummina" at John Crichton in leather or Methos/Duncan subtext to detailed critical discussion about how the entire tone of the show changed after Zhaan or Richie were killed. They're all genre shows with greater or lesser amounts of ongoing plot lines and evolving characterizations, and they inspire similar types of fannish responses.
That said, I don't know that it would make a big difference anyway in the short term, because the Farscape thread isn't getting a lot of traffic and probably won't until the show comes back in S5 or in daily reruns. Generally if someone stops by the DueSouth thread and says, "Hey, I have a Highlander question" everyone is happy to stop talking about the Ray wars and chat about the mechanics of a Quickening for a couple of dozen posts.
um. Anyway, that was rambling.
Thinking while typing here:
I have no problems with consolidation, although yes I can understand that someone who watches only Farscape and not DS, Smallville, SG-1 or Highlander might have a hard time wading through the thread to find the posts that interest them.
See, I only have an interest in Smallville, but would visit a combo thread as much as I would visit a single thread, which is to say not a huge amount, because Smallville doesn't get slammed with a lot of posts, even during new eps. I'm also a veteran skimmer so the thought of having to skip stuff doesn't phase me.
So I still would like a way to combine those three threads but seem stuck on how to do that. If they are combined, what is the thread exactly?
If they are combined, what is it?
I think "Fannish TV" works as a general label.
I think "Fannish TV" works as a general label.
Okay. Then what happens with spoiler bits? Should it matter? Does it matter? Smallville and Stargate are the only ones that get new episodes, I believe. So then what?
Other random thought . . .
Fannish TV as a name takes me right to Ikea. It goes like this in my brain:
Fannish TV. Finnish TV. Finns are near Swedes. Swedish TV. Swedish Furniture. IKEA!
Okay. Then what happens with spoiler bits? Should it matter? Does it matter?
I think the easiest way would be that standard spoiler rules (i.e., no unaired stuff, etc.) would apply, but once a show has aired, no whitefont, and if a person hasn't seen that week's episode of, say SV, then they enter at their own risk.
That's the only feasible way to make a (more) general-interest thread work for this number of people.
Based on what most people are saying, it seems like we could combine all three into one Genre TV thread.
Fannish TV. Finnish TV. Finns are near Swedes. Swedish TV. Swedish Furniture. IKEA!
Kat's brain has too much iced tea fueling it.