Okay. Then what happens with spoiler bits? Should it matter? Does it matter?
I think the easiest way would be that standard spoiler rules (i.e., no unaired stuff, etc.) would apply, but once a show has aired, no whitefont, and if a person hasn't seen that week's episode of, say SV, then they enter at their own risk.
That's the only feasible way to make a (more) general-interest thread work for this number of people.
Based on what most people are saying, it seems like we could combine all three into one Genre TV thread.
Fannish TV. Finnish TV. Finns are near Swedes. Swedish TV. Swedish Furniture. IKEA!
Kat's brain has too much iced tea fueling it.
Spoilers are an issue. Personally I don't care what happens on Smallville and I don't really want to see Smallville mixed in with the Due South/HoYAY Whatever it will be thread but I can deal. But I know spoilers are an issue there.
With Stargate it's a little bit different people are more lax, maybe because there are so many different times and seasons being aired. I'm not sure.
Also Fannish TV is kind of an odd label because the whole board is kind of fannish, Due South, etc is just... well, it's just become llike a junk drawer.
Sadly, I've had no iced tea in about 2 or 3 days.
It's just the way my brain works.
So the Ikea thread with new stuff white fonted for a week?
(Wouldn't The O.C. be included?)
new stuff white fonted for a week?
I don't like whitefonting stuff after it airs. I know not everyone can see a show the night it airs, but is that the majority of people who post? I think we need to accomodate the majority here.
It would be really amusing to call it the Ikea thread.
But where would we discuss?