Some prior discussion can be found in the first Bureaucracy thread from our early days at WX -
and in Roll Your Own Two, when we were preparing for the move -
The second link is to the final (of what I can find) wording of the spoiler rule, in a post from Jon B.
The first link is an earlier discussion of how spoilers ought to be treated. It does touch on some of the issues before us right now, though to unclear resolution. The last post in the conversation basically restates the broadcast rule
mentions exceptions being made in special cases. Helpful? Maybe, maybe not. [OK, especially not since these are at WX and now I'm having trouble getting to the pages. I have some of the discussion copied, and I can post if people can't get there but want to see it.]
brenda - I'm getting only error messages.
In either of those (and despite the gfc's challenge wording, I think we're looking for most recent spoiler policy discussions that led to the policy in place today, if anyone wants to claim the gfc at this point, I don't know...) are summertime casting news items addressed?
I ask, because I think that's the point here. People who don't want to know casting news items during the TV season, do seek them out in the off-season. So if gfc is going to be invoked, there needs to be a conversation that led to them being covered under the spoiler policy. Casting news is mentioned in the FAQ as written, but not specifically this kind (season regulars announced off-season). That's all that's at dispute. While nobody wanted to try to get character X's appearance mid-season exempt from spoiler rules (which we all agree apply), it seems historically there it was accepted that summertime casting news was okay (at least some times).
They're mentioned, but not really to any resolution (except in the negative sense, that they didn't end up in the definition. And there's reference to another discussion that I haven't been able to track down since I can no longer get into those threads.
What might also be helpful (and I haven't come across yet) is whatever discussion resulted in the establishment of the Spoilers Lite threads.
What is clear is that outside of the stated spoiler policy where the broadcast only rule appears, we have precedent for dealing with this stuff in two ways. One is making an exception to the rule (Buffy's return, ASH's limited schedule), the other is designating an alternate place for discussion (Spoiled on Spike, Torez spoiler). I heartily wish we'd moved on one or the other of these options at the beginning of the summer - but I think most of us on both sides didn't think of them as options for some reason.
Note that I'm searching for these from an informational standpoint, not trying to shut anything down.
Brenda, are you doing your research here?
Nope, I was briefly able to get into the WX archives this afternoon.
If your download speed is good, everything should be there.
I don't see the Roll Your Own or Bureaucracy threads from WX. Am I missing them?
D'oh. Good point. I guess they're still open, so unarchived.
Don't mind me.
Bureaucracy and RYO are both on second threads though, so if we ever get the chance we should move the originals over.