Nobody's suggested a free-number entry system so we can end up with four point two months or something?
MATH!! MATH!!! Don't make me diss Halle.
I don't think people really hated 42, even the Fifty Faction.
I did, having voted whatever the minimum was.
BTW, as a point of clarification: Are we talking about 3 (or 6, or 4, or whatever) months, or 90 (or 180, or 120) days? Just so that there is no confusion. 3 months could be as few as 88 days, or as many as 92.
I'd say months. So, for instance, if we decide not to do something on May 1st and we decide on three months, the discussion could be reopened on August 1st.
Makes the math a lot easier, says the girl who has to give compliance deadlines in days and is tired of counting.
Katie: I agree, I just wanted it to be clear.
42 people is a lot easier to count than 4.2 months, though. To make this as math-free as possible, I think it should be a simple choice between 6 months and whatever the second, inferior choice ends up being.
Y'know, I think I'm going to have to go with the mostly math-free option here. Anything other than an integral number of months will just get confusing.
I'm with four month, rather than three as the alternative.
I woulda pushed for 12. I would like to point out that although the Phoenix may be six months old, the original TT topic dates back six years. But I'm late to the party, so carry on.
I see 3 months as a more logical division of the year than 4, and so would put it on the ballot. I would still vote for the highest number, though, personally.
Yeah - but I think the people who support six should defer to the people who want a lower alternative on what the alternative should be. Four months has a better chance of beating six than three months. And I do think six is too long.