I'm not saying that people can help being unclear, just that there's a big, unavoidable gray area between "Tim posts here and he's a cool guy" and "Tim is a great writer and director, perhaps the best ever to work for ME". I'm entirely comfortable with a thread created based on the latter opinion, and I'm entirely uncomfortable with a thread created based on the former.
It seems to me that you're saying you want the thread, but only if other people want it for the same reasons you do, which I feel is a bit unfair.
IMO, if we're all agreed on the "what" of a Tim thread (that it would be a thread dedicated to the discussion of Tim Minear's work in film and television), the "why" is irrelevant.
(I'm all for cleaning up the BtVS threads. Shouldn't the Firefly threads wait 'til the UnAms are done with them?)
Yes, as should the cleaning up of the Buffy threads. Er, and plus this topic probably belongs in Bureaucracy.
After reding all the postings from Tim over the last couple of years, I came to the conclusion he has a sense of humor and wonder. This also explains why he and JW got together for projects.
While reading all the talk about how having a place to discuss Tims work would be a nirvana, I immediately proposed Minearvana, as it is just snarkworty enough for what I observed to be Tim's POV.
Hey, He stopped in for a single post to tell us how much he loved the last Angel thread title.
I think "Minearverse" sounds a little too "Buffyverse" so again I vote for Minearvana.
t shrug
Unless something better shows up... :)
Minearvana 1: Goats ahoy!
(Example, not a proposal)
A forum in which we discuss past and present projects involving Tim Minear, including such projects as Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Wonder Falls.
I like the lack of Monkeys in that proposed thread title. . . but perhaps there should be more beagles?
Beagles ahoy? Sounds Enterprise-ing...
We could add "And Tim's Beagle" to the description...
Does it not seem clear? Should I reword it? It seems that quite a few folks have voiced this concern, so I'm worried that I was too vague.
Reasons being specific are of the good! In the final proposal, I would like to see:
- Purpose of this thread, and because of all the confusion, What This Thread Is Not. (FWIW, I think your first proposal said all-Tim-all-the-time, which might be what the confusion comes from.)
- proposed spoiler rules
- date of creation, should it pass
Because I could live with a Wonder Falls thread, but only if the thread were going to be created on, I don't know, December 1. Not more than 6 months before the show begins, and long before we have anything but the basic premise to talk about.
In fact, IIRC, there were some comments made earlier that we shouldn't even have to vote on this, or that the idea of voting on it would be some sort of an insult to Tim. This bothers me.
Concur. I can see merits in the argument "He's a Buffista, so he should get a thread", but I don't think being a Buffista trumps our hard-won procedures.
I'm fearful of Work-of-Tim becoming Fridge-of-Tim in no small part because what if there's another influx? It would be very easy for a newbie, even a nice, not-crazy newbie, to misconstrue a Work thread as a Fridge thread, and the subculture of the thread could easily get icky, especially if there isn't enough non-icky talk to drown out the icky. Making Work-of-Tim more explicitly This Work (Wonder Falls) and a little bit of
makes me feel better about it.
This is the Buffista Way. We're off-topic a goodly amount of time, in all the threads.
I'm not convinced that exponential natter is the Buffista way, or anyway, we already have a Natter thread. (Two, really -- Bitches is basically TMI Natter.) I don't want to create a thread on the expectation that it will be 90% natter, which is why I still think the early creation of Firefly thread was (in retrospect) a bad idea.
I mean, a Wonder Falls thread? Okay, that's fine by me, I guess. But not a Natter A Lot And Possibly Eventually Wonder Falls thread.
I'm not convinced that exponential natter is the Buffista way, or anyway, we already have a Natter thread. (Two, really -- Bitches is basically TMI Natter.)
Really, 4, because Atlantic Canadians and UnAmericans have their own subculture and posters-- and I am pretty sure we can't clean them in with the rest of the Buffy threads-- although this is neither here nor there and not part of this proposal.
I'm fearful of Work-of-Tim becoming Fridge-of-Tim in no small part because what if there's another influx?
It doesn't have to become Fridge-of-Tim if we don't let it, period. Make the slug clear. Chide gently. We are pretty good at staying away from private lives of others, and we can keep being so.
I want to know what's in ita's fridge.
There are some fridge-type things that Minear brings up about himself. I'm not putting any language in the proposal that dictates what can and cannot be discussed on-thread.
The only problem with NAFDA, spoilers and a multi-show thread is the multi-network problem. Where, just to put forth a wholly hypothetical situation, Angel was on one network and Firefly on another, leaving a few folks with access to one but not the other. A Tim thread, or an alum thread would almost certainly cross networks. That would mean if it were NAFDA altogether for all the shows included, some of us would be unable to post and read that thread.
So I think, though I support a Timwork thread on the basis of merit, I would prefer individual show threads as they arise. Was it such a tragedy to have Firefly while the show was on? Is it terrible that it's still there when the show is not? I think it's okay.