Mal: How come you didn't turn on me, Jayne? Jayne: Money wasn't good enough. Mal: What happens when it is? Jayne: Well... that'll be an interesting day.


Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!  

We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!

DavidS - Dec 08, 2020 2:38:43 pm PST #10261 of 10289
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I am not looking to persuade you. You are either committed to being anti-racist/ableist/etc. or you aren't.

Well, you need to persuade people that this dedicated thread is the best way to being anti-racist/et al. It's not something you're deciding by executive fiat. The point of this thread is to discuss the merits of the idea. Dismissing my POV because I don't agree with you is a reach.

You keep taking the imperative tone on this, but you're mischaracterizing my stance. It's entirely within bounds to agree in principle and disagree on strategy or implementation.

Dana - Dec 08, 2020 2:39:02 pm PST #10262 of 10289
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

I was really shocked at how contentious things got, really fast, when we don't generally do that here, and want to understand why and how to mitigate it.

It's a bad time. It's a hard time. We've all been under stress for 9 months, isolated to greater and lesser degrees, and the only thing we can do anything to make things better is almost completely passive.

And it's winter, and it's the holidays, and that just compounds everything.

It breaks my heart that Laura is so upset, but we shouldn't let problems just slide by, and we can't silence or ignore the voices of people who are marginalized in any way.

DavidS - Dec 08, 2020 2:49:11 pm PST #10263 of 10289
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

but we shouldn't let problems just slide by, and we can't silence or ignore the voices of people who are marginalized in any way.

I'm not advocating that. I think handling it in-thread is better than having a thread dedicated to it.

Amy - Dec 08, 2020 2:51:17 pm PST #10264 of 10289
Because books.

It's a bad time. It's a hard time. We've all been under stress for 9 months, isolated to greater and lesser degrees, and the only thing we can do anything to make things better is almost completely passive.

And it's winter, and it's the holidays, and that just compounds everything.

This is why I suggested taking the conversation elsewhere. For the most part I think conversations like this should be had in the thread of origin, but the Goodbye thread is a holiday kind of thing. For a business, for example, you'd have a meeting, not put it in the holiday newsletter, if that makes sense.

If it's out of bounds for me to even ask questions then I can't see how this proposed thread would function as anything other than a penalty box.


You are either committed to being anti-racist/ableist/etc. or you aren't.

Because even though I am not 100% sure a thread is necessary, that in no way means I'm not committed to those things.

Glamcookie - Dec 08, 2020 2:59:12 pm PST #10265 of 10289
I know my own heart and understand my fellow man. But I am made unlike anyone I have ever met. I dare to say I am like no one in the whole world. - Anne Lister

Even having to vote on a thread for your own and other minority groups rights in a community you are a part of feels like a slap, I have to say. I know this is the Buffista way but it is very reminiscent of Supreme Court ruling over your marriage, or businesses getting to decide whether they'll be wheelchair accessible or not. The majority telling the minority to "prove it." It feels fucking awful. If you're not a part of a minority group, please keep that in mind when you comment here. I hope it's worth getting the last word or asserting your dominance to make already oppressed people feel unwelcome and question whether your friends are truly your friends.

-t - Dec 08, 2020 3:04:43 pm PST #10266 of 10289
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I, personally, feel very out of practice with dealing with any kind of conflict. In part because I am physically isolated so it's pretty easy to avoid conflict with the people I do interact with. But I don't want to sit idly by while our community or anyone in it is hurt.

I feel like having a thread like Glam has proposed might help me feel like I have some kind of a straw to cling to in a similar situation in the future. Just having the dedicated space, as it were.

One of my earliest memories of posting here is actually having to apologize for something that I didn't mean the way it was taken. I don't remember what the something was, to be honest, I just remember the feelings behind the apology. And it was uncomfortable for me, but also one of the core things that made me ultimately feel at home here - that it matters how we treat each other, what we say to one another. Y'all are important to me

Sophia Brooks - Dec 08, 2020 3:07:25 pm PST #10267 of 10289
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

It's a bad time. It's a hard time. We've all been under stress for 9 months, isolated to greater and lesser degrees, and the only thing we can do anything to make things better is almost completely passive.

And it's winter, and it's the holidays, and that just compounds everything.

It breaks my heart that Laura is so upset, but we shouldn't let problems just slide by, and we can't silence or ignore the voices of people who are marginalized in any way.

Dana, you said what I was thinking better than I did. I think in this discussion, which might become a little strained, we do need to assume positive intent on the part of all Buffistas. We have known each other so long, and we know that we aren't, in general, terrible people (or we would know it by now!).

Glamcookie - Dec 08, 2020 3:08:39 pm PST #10268 of 10289
I know my own heart and understand my fellow man. But I am made unlike anyone I have ever met. I dare to say I am like no one in the whole world. - Anne Lister

I mean, I'm sorry that I got excited about a space to share what is hurtful to the LGBTQIA+ community with folks and to learn from other minorities. I have been doing this work for years (workshops, conferences, classes, etc.) and yes, I do know a lot, but no I am in no way an expert. That said, I will always speak up. Sorry not sorry.

Glamcookie - Dec 08, 2020 3:09:32 pm PST #10269 of 10289
I know my own heart and understand my fellow man. But I am made unlike anyone I have ever met. I dare to say I am like no one in the whole world. - Anne Lister

we do need to assume positive intent on the part of all Buffistas

In the most recent case, that was done but it was Too Much for those who were gently told.

Amy - Dec 08, 2020 3:12:58 pm PST #10270 of 10289
Because books.

I hope it's worth getting the last word or asserting your dominance to make already oppressed people feel unwelcome and question whether your friends are truly your friends.

This is a voting discussion. I think, as Buffistas are wont to do, people are ... you know, discussing. I'm not sure that's something to be angry about. We've always done that, as you pointed out.

If you're not a part of a minority group, please keep that in mind when you comment here.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. I though the whole point was for everyone to feel welcome coming here to learn. To do that, we all need to have the option to comment, right?