Ah, yes, of course. The gypsies, they gave you your soul. The gypsies are filthy people. Ptui! We shall speak of them no more.

Ilona Costa Bianchi ,'The Girl in Question'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

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askye - Sep 27, 2024 3:50:38 am PDT #2738 of 2740
Thrive to spite them

I haven't contacted Dad this morning..it's , 6:45 am too early to do that . But I know that Tallahassee didn't get a direct hit

It's been getting progressively windier here . I reported my absence on our app. I don't have to call anyone at work, not sure who is working this morning anyway. But the worst of the weather is supposed to be when I should be driving into work around 8:30 am and then die off around 11 am. It's pretty windy right now and we've had the power flicker a few times.

I could probably go in later but since I've been assured that my absence will be covered since it's a state of emergency I'm going to take the day to rest . Plus just because the wind and rain die down doesn't mean there won't be street lights out .

And we lost power again. I think this time it might stay off.

Laura - Sep 27, 2024 5:40:59 am PDT #2739 of 2740
Our wings are not tired.

I haven't heard much from friends in the area, but in all likelihood power and cell phones are down. The lack of communication is nerve-wracking, but hopefully cell service can be restored soon.

Laura - Sep 27, 2024 6:16:02 am PDT #2740 of 2740
Our wings are not tired.

Just heard from my friend closest to landfall. They evacuated but report no power and lots of trees down. As expected. She hopes the roads will be clear by Sunday but will listen to authorities before returning. (for those familiar with the area she is in Woodville, about halfway between Tallahassee and the coast)

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