Mal: You know, you ain't quite right. River: It's the popular theory.

'Objects In Space'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

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askye - Sep 27, 2024 8:17:55 am PDT #2742 of 2742
Thrive to spite them

I heard from Dad...he lost power but no trees down at his place. I tried calling Mom after I hadn't heard from her but got a no service message so I guess she is without power and cell service or maybe just cell service.

Our power has not come back on. I read 1.3 million people on SC don't have power.

I'm mad at myself because I made a point to buy these xl body wipes for people who can't bathe so we could not take cold showers (when the hot water runs out) and I remember scanning them and bagging them and I swear I put them in my cart but I realized this morning they hadn't made it to my car.

I did remember the dry shampoo. I was tired and there was a line and this is why I hate grocery shopping after work I always forget something somewhere on the process.

There are limbs down all over, a neighbor's small tree came down in our yard. We have one power bank that I think is fully charged.

One of my Academy Trainers texted me with "Don't you dare go into work today it's too dangerous". I told her I'd already marked myself absent on the app. She said the morning Academy Trainer called out because a tree fell on her house (I don't have her number ). EL (the trainer I was talking to) told me she was totally freaked out and in the bathtub with the cat and her boyfriend in the bathroom.i don't know if they were all in the tub. So I texted her to distract her until her phone is as almost dead. She didn't have the weather channel app so I kept letting her know the hourly forecast and how I've been through similar.

I'm not going to try and go in at all. It's still really windy and I don't think anyone in town has power so I doubt the traffic lights are working. I occasionally hear a car go by.

It's hot and humid.

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