Zoe: Uh huh. River, honey? He's putting the hair away now. River: It'll still be there... waiting.


Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

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askye - Sep 21, 2024 6:13:44 pm PDT #2666 of 2667
Thrive to spite them

Work was another tough day. Overnight left the dairy cooler in a mess. The past several days all I've done is run their leftover freight or the dairy items they didn't pull over night to put out and I've barely been able to do anything I'm supposed to.

New manager starts Tuesday so hopefully he can get some things in line. Because we are all tired and worn down and we can't get our stuff done because live freight has to go out and everything that overnight leaves is live freight. The past 2 weeks we've been behind and running late on everything. And I hear from some people "oh they are short handed" or how hard it is for overnight and they have so much stuff to do. They don't deal with customers.

And also this week no one can FIND anything. I've had so many customers come up to me and ask where something is and swear up and down they've looked everywhere and can't find it. Or stop me and ask for help to find things and it's right in front of their faces. For example someone stopped me because they couldn't find ... I don't remember what ...and I reached next to them and pulled the item off the shelf. Plus people wanted to be rude about how things are difficult to find. It happened so many times I just started saying "let me know if I can help you with anything, things have moved around because of the remodel but we should be finished in a month!" just so I didn't have to hear variations of " *huffy breath* I can't find anything! You've moved everything! y'all just do that to mess with us and make us search through everything and buy more!"

JenP - Sep 21, 2024 7:29:47 pm PDT #2667 of 2667

Ugh, sorry the remodel is making things so annoying, askye, and I hope your new manager is a good one.

Pix & ND -- yay for condo close! What a relief.

DH has decided to delve into a really good Indian cookbook I've had for years (and never used), and I am reaping the benefits! Really tasty chicken thing and also a fish biryani today. Yum.

Happy birthday to smonster and Sophia!

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