My brother is going to fly in Saturday evening, and Sunday we're going to get the guns from Dad. My brother's FiL has a gun safe and will keep Dad's guns.
This is a better plan than just me and Tim handling it, because (1) my brother is a gun owner and is therefore far more qualified to handle guns than we are (or Dad is, for that matter), and (2) Jeff's training and experience as a therapist is going to be good to deal with Dad's general mental state (or, as my brother put it, "I am a mandated reporter, and I won't hesitate to have Dad involuntarily admitted for a 72-hour psychiatric hold if he needs it").
Dad's going to be really pissed. But better that than him shooting someone, or himself, or getting shot by the police.
That’s good, Tep. A sound plan.
Teppy, unfortunately, there are no Red Flag gun laws in Ohio.
Getting him put on a 72 hour psych hold may allow you to remove the guns, but he could, technically, report them as stolen.
Not sure what the legal pathway is if he doesn’t surrender them voluntarily.
A sound plan. I hope he is cooperative.
Not sure what the legal pathway is if he doesn’t surrender them voluntarily.
Well, our plan is vigilantism anyway. I'm really not trying to be glib; our plan is to tell him he needs to give up his guns, and if he refuses, we're going to take them anyway. And I guess he can report them as stolen if he wants, but we still really have to get them out of his hands.
Timeliess all!
Good luck, Steph! That's a lot to deal with.
We got back yesterday from CT. Mostly a good trip, though neither Gary nor I slept well. Also too much food, but that's a given with my parents.
Glad your brother is coming, Steph.
I know it's also a lot but could you or your brother check with your Dad's doctor. At least to let him know the hallucinations have started again. I don't know if there is anything he could do but he probably needs to know this in case it's not medicine causing them.
What I've heard on this is: your father's doctor can't tell you anything, but it can be good for you to tell them stuff. Which makes sense.
Holy crap, Tep! That's so much. I'm glad your brother is able to come out.
Tep I am so sorry.
Can things just stop being so gd hard?!
Nodding at msbelle.
All best possible resolution to the guns 'n' dad scenario, Tep. I'm glad your brother is coming in to help.