My town has a 68% vaccination rate but with the Delta variant and optional indoor masking cases are on the rise again after declining to almost zero.
ION, I woke up with a headache and so far have tried coffee, exercise, and ibuprofen but I STILL HAVE A FUCKING HEADACHE. Stupid human body with its stupid pain receptors and stupid sinuses that don't like the stupid weather we're having.
Only 27% of my city is fully vaccinated despite it having opened up to all adults in April, and when I go out I'm often the only person I see in a mask except servers and workers required to wear them on the job. I have a strong trust that I'm surrounded by idiots and they need to keep the hell away from me.
My county in NY shows 54% and in Florida 50%. Do better people!
The numbers in my town are good, but I've got to go to Tacoma and then Olympia today; I may be double masking.
I just looked up my county numbers, 64%. I'm not out and about enough to know what the mask situation is like - everyone I see are wearing masks while they work with the public but I don't know what the public is up to. Oh look, my city has the lowest rate with 58%. What's that about, Suisun?
Wait, that's from the end of May. How weird that there aren't newer numbers available. Probably not good, then.
You guys inspired me to look mine up. Looks like San Diego county is at about 70% , though the state is apparently only at 51% (*grumble, grumble* frickin' Central Valley).
Statewide, Ohio is about 45% fully vaccinated, and my county is about 47%. Both of those are below the national average of 48.5%. Jesus.
Our county is at 61.9% and the state of MA is at 62.7%.
I may be a bad person ... the rest of the office is coming back and one, a new staff person, arrived to find that the docking station for her computer isn't there. I have it. Mine died and that one was the only one in the office that matched my old one. I'm not saying that to anyone in the office, but I figured it's safe to 'fess up here. (Also - all our computers and docking stations have locks on them ... the one I snitched we don't have the code for, but it's OK - someone previously CUT the cable securing the docking station.)