This is why we need herd immunity! (The real kind you get from high vaccination rates, not the bullshit kind where we just let everyone get Covid.)
Honestly, I've lost a lot of Give a Shit or compassion for people in the US who don't want to (not can't because of age or any medical reason) get the vaccine.
I wouldn't care about them at all except they are a freaking petri dish begging this virus to evolve. And thus they are still a threat to me and everyone. There is a safe, effective and free vaccination.
I miss the me from Before. She thought we might come together in the face of this.
I miss the me from Before. She thought we might come together in the face of this.
I feel this so much. Really during the campaign of 2016 I started to change and it became a transformation by 2017, and has only continued to spiral in the same direction. I'm trying to find the old Laura, but I keep running into obstacles that just reinforce the realization that the world has gone mad.
I am a mighty mighty mouse hunter. This morning one caught dead mouse in kitchen and one caught dead mouse in the garage. I’ve set a trap again in the garage and will look to see if I have more that I can sit in the kitchen but I’m feeling much better about the rodent situation.
Well done you Destroyer of Mice!
I am a mighty mighty mouse hunter. This morning one caught dead mouse in kitchen and one caught dead mouse in the garage.
Mr. Leifur sends you an approving blink, one professional rodent slayer to another.
Does anyone on Hoaders actually follow through on the after treatment? I’d much rather watch a long term approach show.
I'm actually on a cross-country road trip with my family right now (AIFG?). M and I are fully vaxxed but the kids are too young, so it's been nerve-wracking at times and there are a lot of things we haven't done that normally we would do, but so far we've been OK, and seeing friends and family again after so long has been just wonderful. We hadn't seen my parents since 2019, so once all the adults got vaccinated, finding a way to visit them was our top priority.
I feel this so much. Really during the campaign of 2016 I started to change and it became a transformation by 2017, and has only continued to spiral in the same direction. I'm trying to find the old Laura, but I keep running into obstacles that just reinforce the realization that the world has gone mad.
I used to marvel at your ability to stay friends with all your Republican/Conservative neighbors during the Bush years.
Nowadays I feel like I get my nose shoved daily into George Carlin's observation that "by definition half of everybody in the world has below average intelligence."
A cross country road trip sounds awesome Kate! I hope you’re having fun!
I went to a happy hour tonight and it was so weird seeing all these people I didn’t know, and going and talking to them?!!
That said, I’m still even in my city where something like 75% or more are vaxxed, having trouble eith the businesses with signs like “no mask needed if you’re vaccinated and we aren’t checking we trust you!” And I’m like “trust?!? That is so long gone….I have no trust in the American public to do anything good or necessary or right!”