If anyone is low-carbing it and has some good resources or recipes they'd like to share, please give me a shout.
I went on a low carb/high protein diet when I lost 50 lbs, and it's still basically my meal plan though I'm not in hardcore weight loss mode anymore.
Some recipe staples:
Frittatas: Once a week. Sautee mushroom, zuchinni, onion, red bell pepper, whatever you've got in your crisper. Lots of seasoning - whatever you prefer. I use 8 eggs, whisked up, highly seasoned. Spray olive oil in the bottom of a Pyrex 8" pan. Pour in the whisked eggs. Pour in the sauteed veg. Stud with feta or top with cheddar. I make it no meat because JZ eats it, but you could add ham or sausage. Cook in the oven at 450 until done (usually about 25 minutes). It's at least four meals if you eat a whole quarter slice of the frittata. And it's more if you cut it into eight slices and augment it with a little salad, or something. Really easy to make, tasty and supremely easy for the rest of the week.
Meaty, no bean chili: I do a mix of ground beef and Hot Italian sausage. Sautee onions, mushrooms, bell pepper set aside. Brown the beef and sausage (after you take it from the casing). Season the beef. Sausage doesn't need it. (Use about half pound of ground beef, and two big sausage from Whole Foods.) Cook the whole thing in the 12" frying pan instead of a pot.
Drain the fat (My new method is to push the meat to one side in the pan, fold over two paper towels and roll them up, place rolled up paper towel at edge of the meat, tip the pan slightly so the fat runs down into the paper towel. Flip it over once to get it thoroughly saturated. Take out greasy paper towel with spatula, voila. easy).
Add the veg back into the meat. Put in a can of roasted Italian tomatoes. Season it. (I use cumin, cayenne, cinnamon, Urfa Biber, a little brown sugar, Worcestshire sauce, garlic powder - pretty much the whole array. Taste as you go!)
So again you've got something you can use for multiple meals. I vary serving it. Just straight up with some plain Greek Yogurt on top. Or I broil some Trader Joe's bratwust or Aidell's Chicken Apple sausage and have that with chili. Or I reheat the chili in my small 8" omelette pan, and make a well in the middle and fry an egg there. That's really good.
Trader Joe's seasoned chicken thighs: Not a recipe but a recommendation. You can find these in the meat section. I get the Shawarma thighs which are boneless and skinless. I cook it under the broiler in a foil lined pan. Very simple and tasty. Add salt and pepper, Hot sauce. I usually eat it with fresh tomato cut up and drizzled with a bit of Balsamic, S&P, and a bit of hummus. Tastes like a great Mediterranean plate without the tempting pita bread. They also have Pollo Asado, Chicken with Rosemary, Chicken Harissa, and beefy things like Bulgogi. Since it's all prepped and seasoned, it's just really easy to make.
I don't know how you feel about Greek Yogurt but I use that a lot. Make sauces with it. Use it to top the chili. Season it with stevia and add fruit for something sweet. It's high protein and filling and the ProBiotics help too.