When I selected updating the entire page, it added the section BUT rather than having article number (tab) title (tab) page it put the article on one line with the tab and dot leader to the page number and below it, on a new line, the title with the tab and dot leader to the page number.
Is the section title especially long? It might bump the line down.
Nope - they're all fairly short and all fit in.
Allyson, good to see your pixels here. {{hugs}}
I like Dana's statement, it fits well. There have been so many milkshake ducks out there, and really we all knew there was something hinky going on when we watched how Cordie's storyline played out in the last few seasons of AtS. That said, these toxic people operate in a world of plausible deniability, and they are often very personable and pleasant to people who are not their victims, in order to prevent anyone from believing their victims.
I got shot #1 this morning, and got to see a bunch of coworkers (well, their eyes anyway) while we hung around the clinic after our shots. Nobody had a reaction.
On Tuesday I start my new job as branch chief, which will be exciting/stressful. I will try not to suck. But I would have appreciated my former boss having written ANYTHING down about how to do the job. He did not.
Any suggestions?
Make the world go back to WordPerfect!
oh, would that I could ... sometimes I think using a cut reed on a clay tablet would be an improvement
Congratulations, Consuela! Branch chief sounds important. Also on getting the first shot, I’m pleased to see more and more people getting theirs
sometimes I think using a cut reed on a clay tablet would be an improvement
I do not want to edit that way, though!
Once you got used to it I’m sure you’d love it, Tep. Aside from the authors sending back the tablets with all your edits wiped out.
Suela, both of those pieces of news are excellent!
But, Steph, if they were being stupid in a way you were forced to notice, wouldn't corrections be satisfying? "Nope!" *smash* *tosses the pieces into a box*
bah! I'm going to advise my boss to find someone who's better at Word than I am ... or track down and strangle ask whoever did this to fix it.