Jessica, LOL.
The worst renaming that hit me personally is that I work in Continueing Education. Of course we just can't call it The Continuing Education Office, because that would be too simple. So we were the Center for Lifelong Learning. Then we hired a brand consultant who came up with the name EdVantage (like Educational Advantage), which is both confusing AND we have a local credit union named Advantage, so everyone thought they called the wrong number. Later, when that Program Director was fired, I begged the Dean to at least Turn it Back to CLL. And we are still CLL. I am now part of the EdIT team, which you would think stood for Educational IT. But no, we are separate from IT, and are the Educational Innovation Team. We struggle with people calling us IT, people contacting us for IT, but no one will let us change to Instructional Design Team because they like a pun acronym.
We had an Item Transition team for a long time that was, of course, called IT and what most people would call IT was IS for Information Services but I think both have changed in the recent reorgs (Item Transition was just kind of absorbed into Supply. I think it's very funny that we have a Supply Team and a Demand Team and wish to pit them against each other in a tug of war to determine pricing, but that is actually handled by an entirely different department)
Is it staffed by three Capital One cards in a trenchcoat?
I always preferred "Personnel" to "Human Resources," the latter of which seems to advertise exploitation. "How we doing on humans?" "Running low. Better squeeze more juice out of 'em."
I remember Personnel! Why did we change that???
Is it staffed by three Capital One cards in a trenchcoat?
They do send us pie charts each year to remind us that in ADDITION to our salary, we recieved X amount of dollars in benefits, so really our salary is salary plus X. Which is frankly more irritating than helpful.
We get that, they call it Total Compensation and it is extremely irritating
The BBC used to do that as an incredibly passive-aggressive way of defending our pitiful salaries. (I mean they probably still do, just not to me anymore since I haven't worked there in 6 years.)
It is, somehow, still snowing.
Timelies all!
Well, we survived a virtual school day for Mr. S without the nanny.(She apparently went out of town, and wouldn't be back until the time she would pick him up at school) There were a couple of classes where he wasn't paying attention to the screen, but it went well over all.