Eager to hear the Kefmuffeletta Update.
I'm home. I ate a Cobb Salad and kept thinking "Is there something off?" and then kept reminded myself it was the blue cheese and that's what it tastes like.
Then I had a cookie because I felt like I deserved one.
It's on focaccia rather than whatever Central Grocery uses, and it's not quite as huge though still big enough that I am glad they automatically wrapped the halves separately. I honestly haven't had one in a long enough time that I could not tell you how "right" it tastes but it's certainly delicious! Would buy again. Both salads (one called Artichoke Salad and one called Beet Salad) are also quite tasty - I probably should have gotten the dressing on the side so they would keep better since I likely won't eat them until tomorrow. Perhaps I will remember that next time. This one or two bites of each thing lunch was very pleasant for me, though.
And I am reminded how much I like Crockett, I should get over there more. I barely get to places that are *not* across a bridge from me, though, so maybe that is an unrealistic idea.
have as many cookies as you want.
Timelies all!
This weekend is the annual Folklore Society Getaway. We are going without Mr. S, as it would be logistically difficult and there isn’t much kid programming. First in-person Getaway since the pandemic.
I didn’t see it until just now when it fell off, but the nurse gave me a Spider-Man bandaid fir my flu shot. So now I feel special.
So now I feel special.
I can personally vouch for this.
I got my updated covid shot today, just in time for my new immunity to kick in before my trip to Georgia next month to visit family/have a personal writing and general relaxation retreat in the mountains near the NC border/go to a con that looks to have a lot of writing-related workshops.
Hadestown tonight. I think I cried discreetly.
Experience suggests that everyone else was also crying discreetly and likely did not notice.
My head-wound was hurting and I took Ibuprofen and thought, "Well, that will help."
But it didn't help enough. And it took me two hours to remember their main advisory: Ice it.
Which helped.
This is why the patient shouldn't have to look after themself.