Ugh, David, that’s so profoundly unfair that you are still in first-circle grief and now having to navigate second-circle loss at the same time. You should really get at least a decade in between catastrophes. As usual, fuck cancer.
Typing on my phone which just auto corrected “fuck” to “Rico” which just….makes no sense. Also tried to make “grief” into “Greif” which is insane troll logic as I haven’t worked with that troll in decades. Also I might have legit typo-d. Thumbs and all that.
Separate post about the convent praying for Tim because my initial reaction was “oh, that’s obviously why he accidentally od’d on painkillers” and cackled maniacally at the obvious (in head) joke, but now I can’t explain that thought process.
oh David, life is certainly piling on you. I mostly avoid flying, since I don't have anywhere to go and I'm nervous about the crazies. Also, TSA doesn't like DC driver licenses as ID - a number of the agents think "District of Columbia" means the country of Colombia. sigh ....
Typing on my phone which just auto corrected “fuck” to “Rico” which just….makes no sense. Also tried to make “grief” into “Greif” which is insane troll logic as I haven’t worked with that troll in decades.
Rico Greif would be a good villain's name in a 90s action film.
One of the bigger stressors so far (after the hour long wait at Dollar rent-a-car) was getting the car out of Park. Because the gear shifter is some dumbass knob and it wouldn't turn and even pulling out the manual it took me 15 minutes to stumble on to the answer.
Short answer: You have to have your foot on the brake or the knob won't turn.
Also they upgraded me to a SUV. I didn't want an SUV! I just want a regular ass car with a regular ass gear control.
So I slept in (after a restless night) which means I should be perfectly timed for rush hour Atlanta traffic. Yay?
Off to hunt coffee and hit the road. If I can find the road.
David, I hope the drive isn’t too bad.
My local coffee shop has pumpkin spice lattes. So I’m drinking an iced one and sorting through piles of clutter.
I saw what I can only assume was a 5th grader walking into the school this morning with an iced coffee looking way more world weary than any tweenager should ever look.
Traffic~ma, David. Also, I hope the visit with your sister isn't too hard. It of course will be hard, but you know that. Much love.
David, I hope the rest of your day is going OK. I can't believe how much you have to deal with right now, I'm so sorry.
There is a caftan on sale on Amazon today. [link]
I was telling TCG about the corsets to caftan’s conversation, and he asked me if I was going to start dressing like Mrs Roper with a slightly horrified tinge to his voice. I assured him I was not. Although, I’m not sure why he thinks that is worse than the yoga pants and geeky tshirts I wear most of the time.