Congrats, Gud!
I've started going to a writers' group that meets every other week at a local coffee shop. At this Tuesday's gathering, a new person joined and introduced themselves as having just graduated high school. Which made me feel elderly (and probably did the same for everyone else at the table--I'm pretty sure I was the oldest person there, but not by a lot). I asked them which school they'd gone to, and it turned out they were one of Alex's classmates, though the two of them barely know each other. Still, small world, and something of a reminder that my child is an adult now, given that his peers are out there hanging out in coffee shop writing groups with me and my peers!
Congrats to your daughter, Gud!
Congrats, Gud! How is it that you're about to have both kids married when it doesn't seem that long ago that you were building a rocket ship in the backyard?
Happy almost Birthday to Mr S! I hope it the weekend goes well.
Congratulations, Gud!
Off to the airport to pick up DH. Me, packing, packing, packing. I have managed the last couple weeks to do a damn fine job not going to the grocery store and clearing out the fridge and freezer. I like to get the freezer down as much as possible before hurricanes might happen. This afternoon DH gets a pedicure (I went yesterday), and this evening birthday dinner with MIL. (do they still have menus without pricing because MIL is a pain that way) Then tomorrow Otter Lake bound.
My brother is visiting this weekend -- yay! I am the designated airport retrieval lackey, and his flight gets in about 2:30 today. I can't wait!
He has to have back surgery in September, though nowhere near as complex as Tim's surgery. But he does have to have a curvature corrected and 2 lumbar vertebrae fused, so it's similar to Tim's surgery. Since my brother's surgery is after Tim's surgery, Tim is going to be my brother's recovery Yoda and share all the tips and tricks for a smooth recovery. Because Tim isn't supposed to lift, bend, or twist after surgery, and because using the toilet does indeed involve some twisting when you're finished, Tim has taken the opportunity to get a bidet attachment for the toilet. He is *very* excited. When I told my brother about it, he said "This is *great* -- I can use Tim as a proof of concept to convince [SiL] that we need a bidet attachment!" Clean butts from sea to shining sea, man.
Tim's surgery is a little over 2 weeks away, and I just want it to get here. He's having so much difficulty with standing, walking, and sitting right now (in the sense that he can't do any of them for very long before he needs to switch to something different [ie, standing to sitting, sitting to walking, etc]). Initially his plan was to work until the surgery date, but he might have to start his chunk of time off earlier. We'll see.
My long Covid fatigue does seem to be truly gone (knock on wood), which is excellent timing. I'm up to 25 minutes on the bike 4 times a week (and also yoga once a week) -- my goal is 30 minutes on the bike 5 times a week (and also yoga once a week). It's pretty great to feel human again and get shit done.
Yay for getting past the long Covid!
Clean butts from sea to shining sea, man.
I just installed one at my sister's house and it works great.
I think I just have existence fatigue.
I think I just have existence fatigue.
You can sleep when you're dead.
Well, death would definitely get rid of fatigue due to existing...
I decided to eat out tonight, and a guy at the table behind me was absolutely aghast at the idea of a restaurant running out of one of its specials by 8pm. He pointed out that the prime rib was listed on the regular menu as well—it was like he was trying to trip the waitress up and make her admit they weren't sold out after all. Yes child-in-retiree's-golf-shorts, I'm sure once she realizes that it was available for sale as a standard menu item in addition to the surf-and-turf special, one will just magically appear in the kitchen.