Zoe: Yeah? Thought you'd get land crazy that long in port. Wash: Probably, but I've been sane a long while now, and change is good.


Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Laura - Mar 28, 2023 6:59:03 am PDT #21368 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Interview~ma Jess.

Thank you expert travelers.

No expert here, but I know it will make things much smoother when you get all the logistics settled.

Brendon is applying for the Varsity head coach position where he is currently JV coach. (He'll probably get it) This is good and bad. Good because it is his love in life (after me), and I know how important it is to mentor these kids and get them into good universities. Bad because it is going to be a lot more time and his focus is nonexistent already. Seriously, he has zero focus or time management skills. I'm working on it with him. Balancing home/health/work/sports is a challenge for anyone, but being ADHD adds to that challenge.

meara - Mar 28, 2023 9:07:50 am PDT #21369 of 30000

Good luck Jessica! That is very rude of your brain, but mine would probably do the same.

Trudy Booth - Mar 28, 2023 9:13:38 am PDT #21370 of 30000
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Just trying to find ways to make the travel less onerous.

You may already be doing this of course… but every airline has an ADA line and it’s their whole job to do that. They’ll set up the wheel chair escort through security, boarding, move seats, whatever. If mom is traveling alone, gets to the airport and the chair isn’t there she calls them and it pretty quickly is.

Also, if you decide to travel with an assistance device that checks free. Mom and I used this one on the trip we just took and it was gangbusters - it converts from a rollator to a transport chair in about two seconds. In everyday life she uses a cane, but her being able to sit down and have me push while traveling bought us a lot of flexibility. [link]

DavidS - Mar 28, 2023 9:19:52 am PDT #21371 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

but every airline has an ADA line and it’s their whole job to do that.

Thanks! Maria encouraged me to take advantage of pre-boarding which would probably be enough. JZ doesn't need a wheelchair.

Dana - Mar 28, 2023 12:47:54 pm PDT #21372 of 30000
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Absolutely take advantage of pre-boarding and anything else that will make your life easier.

flea - Mar 28, 2023 12:49:09 pm PDT #21373 of 30000
information libertarian

Hey have I told you all about the Ask A Manager level weirdness going on at my work? My boss (40m, started September) and same-level colleague (30something f, started January) have developed the kind of close relationship at work that leads to things like staff coming to me and remarking “I walked into the break room when they were eating lunch and it felt like I was interrupting a date.” People, the vibes are so weird. Are they actually having an affair? She has a 6 month old so I cannot personally imagine having the energy and honestly I don’t evebcare but the vibes alone are a workplace problem. I’ve thought it through and there’s no place to take this issue safely but I hate it so much.

Trudy Booth - Mar 28, 2023 12:55:27 pm PDT #21374 of 30000
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

JZ doesn't need a wheelchair.
Thank heaven for that! Mom doesn’t generally either, but it expedites security by giving her an escort and spares her wasting spoons by standing in lines. If you can expedite with PreCheck that’s awesome.

meara - Mar 28, 2023 1:43:00 pm PDT #21375 of 30000

Wow that is awkward, flea! Could someone maybe talk to him, and say something about it (maybe not "it's date like" but like "the closeness is concerning for other staff and their opportunities to work closely with you/advance their career/work on special projects/whatever")? Or talk to her and let her know even if it's totally innocent the vibe is misleading? Not sure but how awkward.

Laga - Mar 28, 2023 2:03:59 pm PDT #21376 of 30000
You should know I'm a big deal in the Resistance.

could it be a "work spouse" situaton where it's not romantic but they're on the same wavelength when it comes to work?

-t - Mar 28, 2023 2:19:57 pm PDT #21377 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Oh my, flea. Whether y'all are background characters in a rom com or potential witnesses to a lawsuit or just up to your neck in gossip that sounds really uncomfortable!