Wow 330am? That’s hardcore Laura!!
I made it to the airport (and my gate) on time albeit a little later than hoped. But omg had terrible stress dreams all night long including one where my poor dog was hurt!! That was a new one—I’ve had stress dreams where he was lost or something but damn. That got me.
My aunt thought "misled" was pronounced "myz'-zld" and it was very hard to convince her otherwise.
I think there's already a critical mass of people using misled (mis-led) and misled (myzld) as homonyms and the dictionary should just get on board already.
OOF I am wiped out. I just got back from a 2-day business trip to California with 2 full days of airplanes at each end and my body does not know even a little bit what time to eat or sleep. And I can't tell if my current level of throat gunk is due to 12 hours of dry airplane/airport air yesterday or if I came back with a cold. (I was masked the whole time but almost nobody else was and I passed through 4 airports, so.)
Isn't mizzling a word also? Something about rain?
I hope the travel ick passes quickly and relatively harmlessly, Jess
Sorry about the dream, meara, that sounds awful. Yay making your flight!
I woke up with chills and coughing and decided to work from home and now I am having trouble getting myself to actually work. I have a meeting in an hour so I'll have to be at least paying attention then...
Food question: Do you think everyone (barring allergies) likes chocolate and peanut butter? I'm planning to make a chocolate cake for a dinner party this weekend and saw choc/pb frosting recommended.
I woke up with chills and coughing and decided to work from home and now I am having trouble getting myself to actually work.
That sounds like maybe a sick day is in order!!
Do you think everyone (barring allergies) likes chocolate and peanut butter?
I do know people who are not crazy about chocolate, like my sister, but they are simply wrongheaded and shouldn't make the rest of the assemblage suffer.
Oh no, I forgot about those people! I thought it was the peanut butter that was going to be controversh.
Is there anything that everyone likes? I doubt it. Chocolate peanut butter is a classic combination.
I have a meeting I don't want to miss, but I may only work a half day. We'll see how it goes.
I have one friend who hated peanuts and peanut butter growing up, but a few years ago tried some fancy peanuts in shell and decided she only liked those. But then was convinced to branch out a bit…and now she likes it, in her 30s! My bestie (who some of y’all have met) isn’t really into chocolate—she will eat it but will usually choose something else first. She’s crazy but I love her despite that.
Now I'm spiraling trying to decide if I should do something else! But someone is lactose-intolerant and there is a good vegan chocolate cake receipe.