I've never felt an earthquake. My Philly raised first husband lived for a time on St. Thomas and his first earthquake his mind said 'subway going past', then remembered he was on an island, with no subways.
I'm thinking might be better ways to feel the earth move under my feet.
Belated happies to Kate & happy birthday to brenda!
M called & asked if I had felt the quake - I just thought it was a big truck going by, since we have construction on 2 nearby streets. He was just getting into his truck in San Mateo & he said it felt like someone jumping on his hood.
The only time I've felt an earthquake was in Austin, and it was far enough away that I barely noticed the closet door shaking.
Today was the first time my earthquake app went off and gave me an audible warning.
In other news, I found out today that my promotion went through and will be official next week!
Congrats, shrift!
I've felt a couple of minor earthquakes, and they have been very subway-like.
Happy Birthday Brenda!
We have had two earthquakes in Western NY in my lifetime, and both times, I thought the building was collapsing, and it gave me an odd feeling in my tummy.
Congratulations, shrift!
I felt an earthquake in NC once. It was an odd experience. They’re not common here.