Belated happies to Kate & happy birthday to brenda!
M called & asked if I had felt the quake - I just thought it was a big truck going by, since we have construction on 2 nearby streets. He was just getting into his truck in San Mateo & he said it felt like someone jumping on his hood.
The only time I've felt an earthquake was in Austin, and it was far enough away that I barely noticed the closet door shaking.
Today was the first time my earthquake app went off and gave me an audible warning.
In other news, I found out today that my promotion went through and will be official next week!
Congrats, shrift!
I've felt a couple of minor earthquakes, and they have been very subway-like.
Happy Birthday Brenda!
We have had two earthquakes in Western NY in my lifetime, and both times, I thought the building was collapsing, and it gave me an odd feeling in my tummy.
Congratulations, shrift!
I felt an earthquake in NC once. It was an odd experience. They’re not common here.