Bucket list: Visit Laura in Ft. Lauderdale
But you all are a wonderful counter, because it is a differ dynamic.
A truly magical one, at that.
Epic, I am concentrating (and will keep on doing that) on all the shrinking that the radiation ad oral chemo will achieve so that they can operate. So much strength to you -- physical, emotional, mental.
Bucket list: Visit Laura in Ft. Lauderdale
Doing a happy dance here. Anytime, except ya know summer, because I am too sane to be there in the summer.
Y’all. Omg. So I’m on tiktok and the below comes up, talking about a guy in his 70s(?) writing red white and royal blue fanfic. Which, ok awesome! Dude writing fanfic, older dude, newer fandom, cute! But then. Then I read the comments. Talking about fanfic writers in their 40s like “aww isn’t it so cute?” And I’m like “you’re all of 21 did you think you invented fanfic? Or that AO3 was entirely run by teenagers? Or that you stop being fannish at 30?” Da fuq?
I had to share my angst with y’all
This comes up on Tumblr a lot. There is one account I follow and people show up in the Asks of that person just having a horrible time because they are in their 20s (sometimes mid to late, sometimes early) and STILL read /write fanfic and how childish it is and how they feel ashamed and guilty for being SO OLD .
And there is usually the comments along the lines of how OLD do you think the people who run AO3 ARE??? How old do you think the people who started writing ST TOS fanfic or Starsky & Hutch or whatever are now?
Of course there are plenty of people popping up about how they are in their 50s or 40s or 60s and still writing /reading fanfic and it's ok and not to worry and there are people who have written fanfic for decades and didn't get into until their late 20s or 30s or 40s ,e tc.
This comes up on Tumblr a lot. There is one account I follow and people show up in the Asks of that person just having a horrible time because they are in their 20s (sometimes mid to late, sometimes early) and STILL read /write fanfic and how childish it is and how they feel ashamed and guilty for being SO OLD .
Yeah, I see those threads on Tumblr often. So ridiculous. (I'm famishedeye over there, if anyone wants to say hi.)
Ah, i am not on tumbler so I guess I’ve avoided some
TJ's: Welp, they were out of pumpkin butter ("for the season," at mine, they said. For the season? It's the beginning of the season!)
Autumn Harvest soup is really good, though. So are the GF pumpkin muffins, as reported earlier by Steph. Haven't tried the pancake mix yet, but that might be dinner.
We are going to a craft show today, and then I have some work to do tomorrow. Beautiful day. We should go hiking or something. I mean, we won't, to but it would probably be fun.
What are y'all doing this weekend?
What are y'all doing this weekend?
Going to TJs for more pumpkin stuff! Also continuing to monitor the recuperating patient. He's doing great, but will be off work for one more week.
So glad to hear Tim is doing well!
I did have no plans, but now I'm going apple picking with my mother and cousin, which will be fun. I have done most of my (minimal) chores, so I'm in good shape.