Fingers crossed for you Epic.
It’s definitely much easier to stay in touch with/feel caught up with friends who do social media. It’s a lot easier to comment on a status than call out of the blue! Sadly I have multiple friends who are just not on any social media and in some cases are bad at texting (but great in person) so distance really does kill it. Which sucks. I get the social media part (though it’s unfortunate) but don’t understand friends who aren’t good at texting.
Positive thoughts your way Epic!
Now we are moving back to Ft Lauderdale,
Looking forward to it being even easier to see you when we are there!
Oh, Epic, here's hoping the next set of treatments does the trick.
Everything crossed that the radiation does its thing, Epic
Oh, Epic, I'm sorry. That's disappointing and understandably scary. Wishing you all the -ma, and the new treatment is effective.
Oh, Epic. I've been away for so long, but have just gone back to read your posts.
I'm so sorry to hear about this struggle and am keeping a vision of that referral to UCSD bringing an optimal outcome.
Epic I really hope that the chemo works exactly like it should and they are able to operate.
Pulling hard for a better turn of events Epic. UCSD is a good place to be. One of my oldest friends is head of the transplant program there so I follow their press a bit. Fingers crossed all the teams working for you get you back in track.
Bonny, it’s really nice to see you in such a better place.
David, I feel you so much on the proximity thing. I never recognized it until well too late in life. What regrets I have, that is probably at the heart of them. But you all are a wonderful counter, because it is a differ dynamic.
And now I must away, because the dog is barking his fool head off at the skeleton I hung in the front window.
Timelies all!
I'm sorry the chemo didn't work like it should, Epic. ~ma for the next round doing its job.
Epic, sending lots of shrink~ma in your direction. May the radiation be effective and clear the way for surgery.