Wow, Tep! Tim~ma, of course, and I am so glad they know so well how to handle a recollapsing lung but yikes!
Also, Nilly! It is nice to think of you out there skimming-and-not-skipping whenever you can but it is quite a treat to see your big slab of words!
After the debacle that was Erev Rosh Hashanah, we are going to go back home after dinner tomorrow
Sounds less stressful for all.
I ate some granola and I am going to pass the fuck out now.
Excellent plan! Good to hear that they have a plan to prevent the collapsed lung in the future. I have been adjacent to them a couple times and it is not a good time. (oddly one was my dad and when the paramedics arrived they asked what he was on for pain because he was totally cool with it - when we told them nothing they looked at us like we were insane - then we explained his prior stroke had rendered him unable to feel pain)
Teppy, I hope you were able to get well deserved rest and that Tim is feeling much better today.
Oh, man, Steph. Glad Tim is OK, and I hope you're feeling good-or-better this morning.
Sheryl, I hope you all can find some actual, sustained relief for yourselves and Mr. S.
Gud, congrats on the new house! Or, at least, it sounded pretty close to a done deal. It's lovely. Love the woodwork.
Always a pleasure to see Nilly, and it is nice to know you're skimming. ::waves::
That's what my brain has managed to remember for comment, but I think things all the time when I read. I mean, good things. You know.
I have a crap ton of work to get done this week. So, I guess I'll get on that.
I had a cold over the weekend (negative for Covid), and DH had a pancreatitis flare-up on Sunday... he basically had one week of no pain, then it was back. So frustrating. Doctor this morning.
Also, I need to get our budget reined in. I think planning that will be my weekend project for next weekend. But also it is my birthday weekend, so lots of meals out with people, yay!
But before that... work.
Mac did the paperwork for his new job yesterday, got his schedule through next Tuesday and today starts day 1 of 3 of computer training sessions.
Very exciting stuff. First paycheck 10/19 and this begins the paying me back.
Very good to hear, msbelle.
I did not know you could superglue lungs.
That awesome to hear, msbelle!
Younger daughter is working on getting an apartment as she has decided not to come to Minnesota with us. She's been working as a software engineer for about a year now so it feels like she's ready to be on her own. That's the big drawback to moving North. OTOH, older daughter is planning to move North in the future because of heat and rights.