I walk. I talk. I shop, I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out. And I don't sleep on a bed of bones.

Buffy ,'Chosen'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

askye - Aug 16, 2022 1:27:53 pm PDT #16884 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

Ohh!! Definitely get Cold Hollow Cider donuts. And Cider. And Champlain Chocolates.

And Jeffersonville isn't close at all (it's 40 mins away) -but if you are up that way or want to go to the Smugglers Notch area and are craving a burger I highly recommend Burger Barn. Or if you are looking for a Montreal Smoked Meat sandwich (or really any kind of sandwich) The Cupboard Deli is right there. And if the weather is nice, go find a place to eat by the Lamoille River.

Laura - Aug 16, 2022 2:03:02 pm PDT #16885 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Cold Hollow had a really excellent looking lunch menu so I think we'll eat there.

Steph L. - Aug 16, 2022 2:28:13 pm PDT #16886 of 30000
this mess was yours / now your mess is mine

Cold Hollow had a really excellent looking lunch menu so I think we'll eat there.

We've never had a chance to eat a meal there, but the restaurant was packed when we were there, so it must be good. There are 2 separate buildings with a parking lot in between -- one is the original building, where they make the non-alcoholic cider and the donuts (GET A DONUT) (TAKE SOME HOME) and sell a lot of merch. The newer building has the hard cider tasting room on one side and the restaurant on the other.

Now I'm missing Vermont something fierce.

-t - Aug 16, 2022 3:21:20 pm PDT #16887 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I'm enjoying all the Vermont love! I've only been there once, and that was a brief trip, but I am vaguely fond of the place for no real reason.

Unrelatedly, I just saw an ad for "probiotic water" and that sounds like something that could easily go horribly horribly wrong.

Laura - Aug 16, 2022 3:39:51 pm PDT #16888 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Vermont is really lovely. When I was a kid we went over on the ferry from NY to VT to buy booze! My dad said the taxes were less there. Of course with my dad it could be that he just liked to drive to Vermont. There were a bunch of liquor stores right on the Vermont side when you got off the ferry. Don't know if that is still the case. We did cross Lake Champlain one year in the winter and the ferry was an ice breaker, which was super interesting. Crunch crunch crunch goes the ice.

Weather is going to be mixed. Thursday rainy and 66 for a high, but Friday high of 78, which is like a super heat wave. The inn has hot tubs so I hope the rain stops long enough for me to dash outside and get a nice soak.

-t - Aug 16, 2022 4:08:46 pm PDT #16889 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Bus back to the transit center in 33 minutes. We're under a heat advisory, so I don't want to walk it. Express bus home in an hour. I am thinking I will stop for dinner on the way home from the station, maybe a margarita.

-t - Aug 16, 2022 4:28:38 pm PDT #16890 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Less than 4 minutes from my desk to the bus stop. For future reference.

JenP - Aug 16, 2022 4:49:41 pm PDT #16891 of 30000

Nice! Margarita sounds super pleasant.

I missed pool time this morning, because I had too much work to do first thing, but then my 5p meeting got canceled, so I went at 4p, yay.

I think we're finally going to start Ted Lasso tonight.

askye - Aug 16, 2022 5:06:56 pm PDT #16892 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

I'm missing Vermont. And a Montreal Smoked Meat sandwich. And Cider Donuts. And a creemee.

I also really want to visit the Shelbourne Museum again, one day.

-t - Aug 16, 2022 5:07:35 pm PDT #16893 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Enjoy! This bus has charging outlets, hooray! This morning’s might have as well, I didn’t think to look