So now I'm scrambling to get her signed up for some things for the weeks we won't be away so that she doesn't spend all day watching TV.
I don't know if there's a Boys & Girls Club option but they were key for filling in spot weeks for Matilda when she was in elementary school. You don't have to worry about whole sessions - it's just drop in, and there's usually room. Also, it's cheap and subsidized.
Ha ha, tiny MRI machine, that ain't happening. So much for today's plans.
What a mess, askye. Good luck!
You're having quite a day, Dana. I hope there is a good meal and a nap in your future.
Oh no, Dana, that's no good! You fasted for nothing? Such a drag. As well as not getting the answers the MRI would presumably at least possibly provide
I will need to make an appointment at the place that has a machine that can actually fit my shoulders. I did not think my shoulders were especially big.
Wow not just a claustrophobia issue but an actual fit issue? That’s bananas. Why make a teeny tiny MRI??
The sedation was supposed to handle the claustrophobia, but I cannot handle being stuffed in something the size of a toilet paper tube for an hour unless I'm truly unconscious.
The imaging place has larger MRIs, and I have successfully managed in one of those without IV sedation. Though I'm getting two scans this time, so it will take twice as long.
Timelies all!
I am posting from my iPad, as the screen on my laptop has gone dark for no apparent reason. I have an appointment with my local Apple store on Sunday. With luck it won’t be anything too big. This is a fairly new laptop.
As if you need more stress Sheryl. I hope it's a quick, cheap fix.
I need a new screen on my iPad. It's entirely unusable currently. Somehow the shattered bits are *selecting* things at random. I miss reading on it. I buy the smallest phones (SEs for the win!) I can so tablets are my readers of choice.
We have been without A/C for 6 days and the part arrived tonight so hoping that DH can fix it tonight. I can deal during the day, but sleeping without A/C is torture. Current temp is 82 but of course feels much warmer with our humidity. The high today was 97 and I felt every degree of it.