Happy Birthday Drew!
Epic, here's hoping your treatment process will go smoothly.
We had a surprise tornado last night, though the worst I've heard so far is some overturned cars in the next county. The restaurants beneath me packed about 150 staff and guests into a tiny basement for the duration.
Happy birthday, Drew! You're such a boon to this entire community.
I have made a mess of my taxes the last two years. Last year I was not holding state from paycheck (was never given the form, to fill out). This year I took out investments to buy mac a car and have capital gains to pay on that. fuck.
Happy Birthday, Sheryl!! I hope that you are feeling better and nearing the release from isolation. May the year make a big improvement! May the day and year be filled with love.
Today's letter is the letter B! B is for birthday and beekaytee and beth b! May it be a beautiful day!
I hope that yesterday being such a quiet day here meant that everyone was enjoying holiday festivities with loved ones, or a having a nice peaceful Sunday. Didn't do much here. Went to the dog park. The guys played pool and I read. Felt a bit melancholy because I used to make a big deal of Easter baskets and decorating and such, but no more. Maybe someday.
I am proud of myself because after church + Easter dinner (just four of us including my aunts), I went for a walk AND did a load of laundry!
Excellent job Jesse!
Happy Birthday Beth and Beekaytee (which I almost wrote as btk which is WRONG WRONG WRONG).
Had Easter with old friends. Lovely. So happy when I get to do the things I move here to be able to do again.
The weather is going to make me sick, I swear. High 70s Sat, windy 50s yesterday, 30s overnight. Came into the office and the boilers are obviously freaked out also and running on high, office was 83 degrees!!!!
(Stopping quickly to send buckets of ~ma in Epic's and Toddson's and Sheryl's way, and general ~ma as needed to everyone else. Also, happy birthdays! and happy holidays to those who observe them).
Hi Shir! Happy wishes for you as well. How are things going with you?