I also have the self-appraisal nightmare due...tomorrow? I think? With the added bonus of so much upheaval and turnover, that we accidentally ended up never setting goals last year. So, good in that I can theoretically just make up goals of things I've already done, but bad in that, like all of you, I have no effing clue what I've done the past year. With the added bonus that the annual reviews have been so uniformly bad (like, literally verging on insulting) the past 3-4 years that I have zero fucks to give about the whole process. I have a new supervisor (started in...November, I think) that I like well enough that I don't want to make his life any more complicated than necessary, but I'm seriously having a hard time caring.
We do not, thankfully, have peer reviews, other than a voluntary thing where you can give someone a "badge" if you happen to be so inspired. Jess, can you just go in and give 22 thumbs-up emojis and call it a day?
Laura & JenP, medical-ma, in whatever form is most helpful to you. With added immunity-ma to Laura's patch.
Much ~ma, sj. That sounds like a rough week. Are ltc's teachers taking action?
In me news, I've been having some ongoing health struggles. I know it's hard to tell since my posting tends to be so sporadic, but I've gone days without reading and weeks without posting 'cuz I just didn't have the spoons. I went from walking pneumonia in October-November knocking me on my ass, then I had a really bad set of side effects from the antibiotics and I've been dealing with that since November. I'm down 30-35 lbs since this all started, which, while I'm glad of the loss, the journey has been super-unpleasant (and none of my pants fit!) I'm treating with otc stuff, because no specific symptoms seemed bad enough to drive me back to Urgent Care. I did make a general appt with my doctor (in February, first available appt), by which time I very much hope I'll be back to whatever qualifies as "normal" and just fill her in on the details of the last few months. And I'm going to ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist, because I think I've been dealing with my IBS or whatever it is unassisted for more than long enough.
I also finally made an appt for my vax booster - I've been afraid to get it while I was dealing with all this other stuff, but I'm starting to feel human again so I'm ready to risk it. On February 4, the first available Friday appt (so I have the weekend in case it knocks me on my ass).