My dad’s Aunt Betty, his mom’s older sister, was the last in a chain of Elizabeth - Catherine - Elizabeth - Catherine - Elizabeth. I have a picture somewhere of all five generations, taken sometime around the turn of the (last) century when Betty was a baby. It’s pretty amazing.
Neither Betty nor my grandmother Frances had girls though so that was that.
Does everyone know "This Is a Trent Reznor Song"? More importantly, has everyone seen the Star Trek vid set to that song? [link]
Thank you for that, Dana!
OK. Other than stocking stuffers, I have finished my Christmas shopping. WHAT. Tomorrow I need to wrap the set I'm sending to my niece + boyfriend and sister + wife (they are going to niece's in GA now) and send them off, and then that's that. Everything else I sent went directly to the recipients. And I didn't go overboard, which sometimes can happen with my last minute gifting.
As soon as I get my holiday stamps, I can send my holiday cards... or, if they don't come in the next couple of days it will a very Batman and old time baseball players holiday card extravaganza. Which is just fine.
This makes me happy. I don't think I've been this relaxed about the holiday season like this in... ever. Huh.
All I could get was flag stamps :-(. But I figured better to go with that and get them out than hold off for better.
I really need to get cards started tonight. I got the 3 packages mailed yesterday.
My Uncle Paul died of Covid today. His wife is still sick with it, but she seems to be doing better. He was the nicest man with 5 kids and lots of grandchildren who adored him.
I'm so sorry, sj. Love to you and your family.