I heard a news report about a man who was having a heart attack and, not having a car, stole an ambulance to get to the hospital
I feel like my dad would do this. Like, he wouldn't *call* an ambulance to transport him as a patient (I always steal Christopher Titus's joke that my dad won't call the ambulance when he has chest pains, because the EMTs won't go through the Burger King drive-thru on the way to the hospital), but if he could steal one, that's probably peak bucket list for him.
I was dreaming about rewatching X-files. I need to rethink my life.
...so that you can fit in the rewatch, right?
Steph, man, that made me want to... (well, I found it enraging on your behalf, not that you asked me to feel anything on your behalf).. but I would not smack an oldbie upside the head. And it wouldn't do any good anyway. Violence is usually not the answer, I keep needing to remind myself. One day, I may even lose the qualifier. One day.
DP made delicious chili last night, and I just had some for lunch. Life offers joy sometimes.
Oh, and also, it's peppermint bark season, MFers! (Cursing: It's not just for gourds).
Steph, man, that made me want to...
I have wanted to smack him in the back of the head many, many times.
DP made delicious chili last night, and I just had some for lunch. Life offers joy sometimes.
Chili is always better the day(s) after it's made. Yum!
...so that you can fit in the rewatch, right?
Yes. Follow my dreams, as it were. ALso I'm pretty sure those first 8 episodes were not the same as the first episodes we got in the "real world" and I should really check that, right?
Mmmm, chili
So apparently taking an assault rifle to a protest and killing a couple of folks is perfectly fine.
So apparently taking an assault rifle to a protest and killing a couple of folks is perfectly fine.
If you're a white guy it is.
This fucking country. That judge was a biased asshole.
But also: good to see you, Gud!
I have no word on the decision
But from way back, yes JZ, there is definitely an outfit for people interviewing to be professors!
A complete unshockingness.
So should I go to family Thanksgiving? It is just me, my mom, my uncle and my aunt. And MY POSSIBILY unvaccinated definitely unmasked cousin! But my mom is going. I just wish my aunt would tell her stepson he has to mask up!