Dang it, there's another fraudulent charge on the credit card that was closed Monday, and when I called I found out the bank is closed for the holiday. I mean, I'm sure they'll take care of it tomorrow, but I'd rather fix it ASAP.
The funny part is that it's a huge charge at the Apple store, and given my past purchases, that wouldn't look like "unusual activity" to my bank.
Come on, 2019. Don't be like this.
I let the foster dog Buddy sleep in my room for the first time. Not in my bed, but the daybed. And oh my goodness is he a burrower, I found him under the covers AND a pillow when Bailey woke up at 4am to go outside.
I did indeed end up with a GSD on my bed at midnight. But she was very good and just curled up next to me with her head on my hip, and we slept well. However this is not going to be a habit, because I cannot deal with GSD hair in my sheets as well as everywhere else in the house.
I'm having an open house today and I'm at the "done just about everything" point, so I'm sitting down for half an hour with a cup of tea. My house hasn't been this clean in a while...
I feel like a need a new kitty because I miss sleeping with my nice warm kitty. Even though she used to wake me up by sticking her nose and tongue in my nostril!
oh Sophia, you do need a new kitty. I may be looking at the Rochester Animal Services page RIGHT NOW.
Sophia! Pooh Bear! [link]
It seems unfair to start the new year with cramps? But so be it. I slept in, and then laid in bed for almost an hour just because I didn't want to get up. I wanted a magic butler to appear to bring me a heating pad, and coffee. Sadly, one did not appear, so eventually I got up. At some point here I'll have to decide what I want to do today...clean? Cook? Most likely sit around and read more books and be lazy.
My upstairs neighbor has a NY day brunch every year. So I just had to go up a flight of stairs to get hoppin' john, collards, and a bunch of other good food. Now I'm disassembling my tree. Every year I say I need to clear out the ornaments that I don't need, but this year I'm actually doing it. Some. Anyway, there's a Firefly marathon on El Ray, and the weather's warm enough that I can have the windows open. It's a pretty decent start to 2019.
Hope the cramps clear up quickly, meara.
That is for sure unfair, meara.