Here's hoping 2019 brings goodness to us all.
Feel free to skip the tales of my misspent youth; this is for msbelle. I have so many tales, but this is a school one. 2 months into my senior year in HS at the age of 17 my boyfriend Gary and I decided we were eloping. He found out we could get married in Alabama at 16. He had a job and apartment lined up in New Orleans and we planned our escape. Over about 3 weeks I moved all of my clothes, jewelry, and most precious books to his place one little bundle at a time. I left every morning with Mom thinking I was going to school and went to his place. I had already quit HS telling them I was getting married. They apparently didn't call my parents about it. I had moved all of my things and they were packed in Gary's VW bus (such a hippie) and we were leaving the next day when my mother noticed my room was neat. My room was a complete disaster always with clothes strewn all over so she stepped into my room to admire the unusual state of cleanliness, and ooops, noticed my closet was empty. Then she found the letter I had written and had stashed in my desk letting her know all was cool and I would be fine. Well, that blew up with all of my stuff being removed from his vehicle and threats from my dad, and him going to New Orleans without me never to be reunited.
A few months later in my quest to get myself on my own to NOLA I met Bob and moved in with him. Not really expecting a real relationship, but figuring it was better than staying with the parents while trying to find a way south. He was only supposed to be in town for a short while anyway and I could get a ride to VA with him when he left, which right direction. Yeah, that never happened. I got a job as a waitress which lasted 2 weeks and realized I was not getting anywhere without some education. So I got my GED, three months before my HS class graduated. Who knew there was such an easy option! Figured out that I could access funds from the prior motorcycle accident settlement (from age 16 boyfriend shenanigans) for education purposes and enrolled in business school for accounting because I heard you could get a real job that way. 16 years later with credits earned in 4 different states and 6 institutions I got my BS from Nova with a 3.86 GPA. After failing out of HS and quitting.
My poor wonderful loving parents. I was so horrible. You could not tell me anything. But I did figure it out and was gainfully employed and housed from the time I was 18 to present day. Granted much of the parental role was assumed by Bob who taught me about things like paying bills and cooking and cleaning. I know the foundation my parents gave me of confidence, education, and moral example enabled me to figure things out and become successful despite the fact that at 17 I of course knew absolutely nothing.
As parents we have little to no control over the shenanigans our children may pursue. We can give them love, education, and encouragement, but it is on them to do something with it. Sorry Mac is such a jerk, but honestly I was a worse jerk. Know he will figure it all out and understand that he didn't know shirt when he was 17.