I was going to kill my mother, but she got a grip. She invited some neighbors over for cookies etc this afternoon, has barely told me the details, and then when I was helping her get stuff from the attic this morning, she was like, "Can you come up at noon?" People aren't invited until 2. WTF could need two hours of set-up? The answer, of course, is nothing -- she just called and said yeah, 1:30 is fine.
On the other hand, I did make it to the post office and hardware store and fixed the outdoor lights, so now I can just sit. I've barely been home this week, and the place is a pit and I haven't done any decorating at all, but I just need a break. Also somewhat hungover.
Timelies all!
In the airport, waiting for our flight to Florida.
Enjoy the cruising! Get in touch if you have time when you get back.
I was betrayed by salad yesterday. Being violently ill last night and having no energy today was not in my weekend plan.
Post office and hardware store and fixing shit is plenty, especially if you're hungover. I have...had coffee. I woke up three hours ago.
I was betrayed by salad yesterday.
That's not fair! Not even a tasty scallop or a shrimp?!
Salad is dangerous these days.
Salad IS dangerous. I vote cake.
Also I really want to make Christmas cookies but don't want to end up with a ton of cookies at home that I can't give away. Too many dieting/vegan/gluten free people. Also I want to make frosted cookies to use cool frosting colors but I don't really want to eat frosted cookies. Oh the horror!
I went to dog class this morning and discovered the wonder that is the cronut. Holy crap that was good.
So only four people came to my mother's party, but she doesn't actually know if anyone RSVPed since yesterday since she left her phone at a friend's and hasn't checked her email on the computer either for no good reason. So I end up in the position of trying to make her feel better, when I have also wasted my whole afternoon on this, when I have other shit to do! I'm so annoyed. And sad that I'm not going to have a real tree because I have no time or way to get one. In short: Grrr.