Have you seen the German video that shows an older man talking about how, in 2020, he was 22 and studying engineering and how he and his age group became heroes. Young, wanted to study, go out for drinks with friends, all the things young people want to do. Instead they did ... nothing. Says they were "lazy as raccoons". The couch was their front and patience their weapon.
I don't have a link for it, but it's around. There's also a second one with his wife (?); they lie in bed eating KFC and stay in.
The porch swing in the pictures is not there anymore but I am buying one because PORCH SWING!!!
Timelies all - I've been lurking for a few days and wanting to post DX memories etc, but the board doesn't quite allow that with my Chromebook.
Congrats on the house, Aimee! It's adorbs.
I've been working on a federal gov't contract, so we all have to go into the office. I understand that some agencies have some telework, but pretty much every agency is trying to balance the administration's demands that we stay open and pretend like it's no big deal with trying to keep the workforce safe. One localized result of that is that I've been spending every other week in a shabby windowless room without internet, because I only really need the gov't agency's computer, right?
(This is Raq btw)
Volans! I'm sorry about the windowless room. Ugh. I hope all is well with you and your family outside of the grim work conditions.
Nice to see you, Volans! I echo what Laura said.
It is a temperature that starts with a three here today - I think this may be the first one we've had so far. Not quite sure what to do with that. Stay in as usual, I guess.
I have some mildly onerus calls to make today, so I should do that before 11a and just get it over with, right? Right.
I hope all is well with you and your family outside of the grim work conditions.
We're as good as can be. The DH took early retirement (at age 50) to get out of this administration, and has been much happier. Mal and I had covid back in January (we were overseas in December) but mild versions and I'd been tracking it for work so we quarantined immediately and didn't spread it.
Mostly I've just really been missing the Buffistas in aggregate - the intermittent sightings on other platforms are not sufficient.
Have you seen the German video that shows an older man talking....
Three videos have gone up so far. Here is a link with English subtitles:
It is a temperature that starts with a three here today
I shouldn't admit this, but my first reaction (seriously) was "300 degrees OH MY GOD...wait."
Clearly I need more coffee.
It is a temperature that starts with a three here today
Interestingly, that is the case over here as well.